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    <h1>Select an Element By Class Name</h1>
        <li class="class para">List 1</li>
        <li class="class1">List 2</li>
        <li class="class">List 3</li>
        <li class="class1">List 4</li>
        <li class="class">List 5</li>
        let elm1=document.getElementsByClassName("class");
        // Here in case of class there is a collection created of objects
        console.log(elm1);   // This return a collection
        console.log(elm1.length)     // return no. of elements in object
        // to access each elent we use loop
        for(let i=0; i<elm1.length;i++){
            // console.log(elm[i]);    // return object details 
            console.log(elm1[i].innerHTML);      // returns value of an object
            elm1[i].innerHTML="Upadted element with 1 class contains"
        let elm=document.getElementsByClassName("class para");
        // Here in case of class there is a collection created of objects
        console.log(elm);   // This return a collection
        console.log(elm.length)     // return no. of elements in object
        // to access each elent we use loop
        for(let i=0; i<elm.length;i++){
            // console.log(elm[i]);    // return object details 
            console.log(elm[i].innerHTML);      // returns value of an object
            elm[i].innerHTML="Upadted elements with 2 class contains"
            // Note : if same properties is used in different scripts then last one is executed
