class Solution {
    public int max = 0;
    public int maximalSquare(char[][] matrix) {
    //Q-1 of dp level 2 , every cell denotes maxmimum submatrix square they can make

        //dividing the matrix in 4 parts and solving them indivisually 
        int m = matrix.length , n = matrix[0].length;
        int dp[][] = new int[m][n];

    //max subsquare last row can make will be 1 if there is a 1 present in matrix cell
        for(int j = 0 ; j < n ; j++){
            dp[m-1][j] = matrix[m-1][j] -'0' ;
            max = Math.max(max , dp[m-1][j]);

    //max subsquare last col can make will be 1 if there is a 1 present in matrix cell
        for(int i = 0 ; i < m; i++){
            dp[i][n-1] = matrix[i][n-1] -'0' ;
            max = Math.max(max , dp[i][n-1]);

    //rest of the matrix 

        for(int i = m-2 ; i >= 0 ; i--){
            for(int j = n-2 ; j >= 0 ; j--){

                if(matrix[i][j] == '1'){
                    //minimum of next , below and diagnolly below cell + 1
                 dp[i][j] = Math.min(dp[i][j+1], Math.min(dp[i+1][j+1],dp[i+1][j])) +1;

                 max = Math.max(max , dp[i][j]);

        return max*max;     //we have to return area