class Solution {
    public int function(int[] nums , int x , int y){
        //making dp 
        int n = nums.length;
        int[] dp1 = new int[n];     //dp for MSA of x size
        int[] dp2 = new int[n];     //dp for MSA of y size

        int sum1 = 0 , sum2 = 0;
        for(int i = 0 , j = n-1 ; i < n ; i++ , j--){
            int val = nums[i];
            //if ith index is smaller than x store sum only
            if(i < x){
                sum1 += val;
                dp1[i] = sum1;
            //else check which is larger previous MSAx or sum including current 
                sum1 += nums[i] - nums[i-x];
                dp1[i] = Math.max(dp1[i-1] ,sum1);

            int val2 = nums[j];

            //we fill 2nd array right to left 
            if(j + y  >= n){
                sum2 += val2;
                dp2[j] = sum2;
            //else check which is larger previous MSAy or sum including current 
                sum2 += nums[j] - nums[j+y];
                dp2[j] = Math.max(dp2[j+1] , sum2);

        int ans = 0;

        //assuming x size MSA to be first and y size MSA to be 2nd
        for(int i = x-1 ; i < n-y ; i++)
        ans = Math.max(ans , dp1[i] + dp2[i+1]);

        return ans;
    public int maxSumTwoNoOverlap(int[] nums, int firstLen, int secondLen) {
        /* Q53 dp playlist ,we use kadane's algo to find MSA for x size and y
        size respectively for every element and then take max(MSAx + MSAy)for
        all indexes

        we fill 2nd dp right to left and 1st dp left to right

        similiarly we do the same this time assuming y size has occured first 
        and then x size has occured and do the same

        finally we return max value of the two values obtained
        //assuming firstlen exists 1st and secondlen exists 2nd
        int ans1 = function(nums , firstLen , secondLen);

        //assuming firstlen exists 2nd and secondlen exists 1st
        int ans2 = function(nums , secondLen , firstLen);

        return Math.max(ans1 , ans2);