// get all the reviews from the Amazon page
const reviews = document.querySelectorAll('.review');

// define the emotion keywords to search for
const emotions = ['less', 'love', 'success', 'relief'];
const highlightColor = 'yellow';

// loop through each review and search for the emotion keywords
reviews.forEach(review => {
  const reviewText = review.textContent.toLowerCase();
  emotions.forEach(emotion => {
    if (reviewText.includes(emotion)) {
      const highlightedText = review.innerHTML.replace(new RegExp(emotion, 'gi'), `<span style="background-color: ${highlightColor}">${emotion}</span>`);
      review.innerHTML = highlightedText;
  // search for the word "absolutely" and highlight it in green
  const absolutelyRegex = /\babsolutely\b/gi;
  const absolutelyColor = 'green';
  if (absolutelyRegex.test(reviewText)) {
    const highlightedText = review.innerHTML.replace(absolutelyRegex, `<span style="background-color: ${absolutelyColor}">absolutely</span>`);
    review.innerHTML = highlightedText;