  dom: 'Bfrtip', // Configure the order of the components: Buttons, filtering, processing, table, and paging
  buttons: [
      extend: 'copy', // Create a copy button
      text: 'Copy to Clipboard', // Set the button text
      className: 'custom-copy-button', // Add a custom class to the button
      exportOptions: {
        columns: ':visible' // Export only visible columns
      extend: 'csv', // Create a CSV export button
      title: 'My CSV Export', // Set the exported file name
      charset: 'UTF-8', // Set the exported file charset
      bom: true, // Add Byte Order Mark for UTF-8 compatibility
      fieldSeparator: ',', // Set the field separator for the exported file
      extension: '.csv' // Set the exported file extension
      extend: 'excel', // Create an Excel export button
      title: 'My Excel Export', // Set the exported file name
      extension: '.xlsx' // Set the exported file extension
      extend: 'pdf', // Create a PDF export button
      title: 'My PDF Export', // Set the exported file name
      orientation: 'landscape', // Set the PDF orientation (portrait or landscape)
      pageSize: 'A4', // Set the PDF page size (A3, A4, etc.)
      extension: '.pdf' // Set the exported file extension
      extend: 'print', // Create a print button
      text: 'Print Table', // Set the button text
      autoPrint: true, // Automatically print after the window opens
      customize: function (win) {
        $(win.document.body).find('table').addClass('custom-print-class'); // Add a custom class to the printed table
      text: 'Custom Button', // Create a custom button
      action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
        alert('Custom button clicked!'); // Define the action for the custom button
      extend: 'colvis', // Create a column visibility button
      text: 'Show/Hide Columns', // Set the button text
      columns: ':not(:first-child)' // Exclude the first column from the list of columns to toggle
      extend: 'pageLength', // Create a page length button
      text: 'Rows per page' // Set the button text