const animals = [
  { name: "cat", sound: "meow", foodRequierements: {
    food: 2,
    water: 3
  } },
  { name: "dog", sound: "woof" }

const [catName, dogName] = animals // is taking the animal array and assign a variable name for each item

const {name, sound} = catName // is going deeper and is taking the value of the name key of the first item of the array which is catName NOTE: is importante that the varibale name must be equal to the key names of the array.

const {name: catName, sound: catSound} = catName // rename the keys to be used individually of each item

const {name = "Fluffy", sound = "Purr"} = catName // define a default value incase the value is null or empty

const {name, sound, foodRequierements} = catName // get the keys of the object. but bring the foodRequierements as object, to acces its value you will need to use dot . and call the property

const {name, sound, foodRequierements: {food, water} } = catName // to call the key of the nested object this is the bes method
