 * /**
 *@NApiVersion 2.1
 *@NScriptType ClientScript
define(["N/format", "N/search"], function (format, search) {
  validateLine = (context) => {
    try {
      var recObj = context.currentRecord;
      var returnValue = true;
      var alertMessage;

      if (context.sublistId == "recmachcustrecord_hcg_employee3") {
        //get current start and end date, and compare with all the lines start and end date wether it line between those date or not
        var CurrentLineIndex = recObj.getCurrentSublistIndex({
          sublistId: "recmachcustrecord_hcg_employee3",

        log.debug("CurrentLineIndex", CurrentLineIndex);

        var currentLineStartDate = recObj.getCurrentSublistValue({
          sublistId: "recmachcustrecord_hcg_employee3",
          fieldId: "custrecord_hcg_start_date6",
        }); //get current start date

        var currentLineEndDate = recObj.getCurrentSublistValue({
          sublistId: "recmachcustrecord_hcg_employee3",
          fieldId: "custrecord_hcg_end_date6",
        }); //get current end date

        log.debug("current currentLineStartDate ", currentLineStartDate + " currentLineEndDate " + currentLineEndDate);

        var currentLineStartDate = new Date(currentLineStartDate);
        var currentLineEndDate = new Date(currentLineEndDate);

        log.debug("current currentLineStartDate ", currentLineStartDate + " currentLineEndDate " + currentLineEndDate);

        var lineCount = recObj.getLineCount({
          sublistId: "recmachcustrecord_hcg_employee3",
        log.debug("lineCount", lineCount);

        for (var i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
          if (i != CurrentLineIndex) {
            //current editing index should not be compared. else it would be comparing same index values that would satisfy the condition.
            log.debug("inside loop i=", i);
            var startDateLine = recObj.getSublistValue({
              sublistId: "recmachcustrecord_hcg_employee3",
              fieldId: "custrecord_hcg_start_date6",
              line: i,
            }); //get start date of line

            var endDateLine = recObj.getSublistValue({
              sublistId: "recmachcustrecord_hcg_employee3",
              fieldId: "custrecord_hcg_end_date6",
              line: i,
            }); //get end date of line

            startDateLine = new Date(startDateLine);
            endDateLine = new Date(endDateLine);

            log.debug("startDateLine ", startDateLine + " endDateLine " + endDateLine);

            //if current start date and current end date  is in between the existing startDateLine and endDateLine then give alert
            if (
              (currentLineStartDate >= startDateLine && currentLineEndDate <= endDateLine) || //current start date and current end date lies between any already present start date and end date.
              (currentLineStartDate >= startDateLine && currentLineStartDate <= endDateLine) || //Current start date lies between any already present start and end date.(this means date is overlapping)
              (currentLineEndDate >= startDateLine && currentLineEndDate <= endDateLine) // Current end date lies between any already present start and end date.(this means date is overlapping)
            ) {
              //|| (currentLineEndDate >= startDateLine && currentLineEndDate <= endDateLine)
              log.debug("condition matched");
              returnValue = false;
              alertMessage = "Start Date and End Date should not be between the existing date range";



        return returnValue;
    } catch (error) {
      log.error("error in validate line =", error);

  return {
    validateLine: validateLine,