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Tue Apr 18 2023 13:41:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @Sree #undefined

import UIKit


// Closures lesson // https://www.udemy// // //.com/course/intermediate-ios--advance-your-skills-xcode--swift-3/learn/lecture/6#notes

// Long way 1. Write a func eg. doMath() that takes in 2 ints and another func as a type eg. takes in 2 integers then performs the input func on it

// 2. Then write a separate func that will be passed in. eg multiply

// 3. Call the first func and pass in the 2nd func
// 4. Use a closure instead of passing in th func, by hitting enter at the func param part

// Long way 1. Write a func eg. doMath() that takes in 2 ints and another func as a type eg. takes in 2 integers then performs the input func on it


func doMath(a: Int, b: Int, mathFunc: (Int, Int) -> Int) -> Int {

    return mathFunc(a, b)



// 2. Then write a separate func that will be passed in. eg multiply

func multiply (c: Int, d: Int) -> Int {

    return c * d


// 3. Call the first func and pass in the 2nd func

print(doMath(a: 5, b: 6, mathFunc: multiply(c:d:)))


// 4. Use a closure instead of passing in th func, by hitting enter at the func param part

doMath(a: 4, b: 6) { a, b in

    return a * b



print(doMath(a: 5, b: 5) { $0 * $1})


// Closure lesson Complete


// Higher Order funcs and typealias

// 1. Create an array of some stuff and name it

// 2. Write a func that takes the array and converts it to uppercase.

// 3. Write a func that takes the array and converts it to double
// 4. Call both funcs and see results

// 5. Both of the above functions are doing pretty mych the same thing. Creat a higher order function

// that takes in the string array and also another func that tells what to do each thing in that string array

// 6. Call the func for uppercasing - use enter to get the closure format

// 7. Replace the innerworking of the uppercaseArray and doubleArray with the changeArray func

// 8. Use shorthand $0 and $1 using curly braces {}

// 9. TypeAlias - allows to take an existing type and turn it into something else. It makes it easier to refer to a particular func type. You can give a func a name without refering to the func type eg. typealias changeValue = (String) -> String, replace the params for the edit func wiht it


// 1. Create an array of some stuff and name it


let myFam = ["Sree", "Ajit", "Krish", "Gaurav"]


// 2. Write a func that takes the array and converts it to uppercase.

func uppercase(_ name: [String]) -> [String] {

    var tempArray:[String] = []


    for str in name {



    return tempArray



// 3. Write a func that takes the array and converts it to double

func doubleArray(_ name: [String]) -> [String] {

    var tempArray:[String] = []


    for str in name {

        tempArray.append(str.uppercased() + str.uppercased())


    return tempArray



// 4. Call both funcs and see results




// 5.Both of the above functions are doing pretty mych the same thing. Creat a higher order function

// that takes in the string array and also another func that tells what to do each thing in that string array.

// Note that the func behavior is not specified in the func, it is specified at the time of calling it


func changeArray(name: [String], theEditFunc: changeArrayValueFuncType) -> [String] {

    var tmpArray: [String] = []


    for str in name {



    return tmpArray



// 6. Call the func for uppercasing - use enter to get the closure format

print(changeArray(name: myFam) { $0.uppercased() })

changeArray(name: myFam) { (str) -> String in

    return str.lowercased()



// 7. Replace the innerworking of the uppercaseArray and doubleArray with the changeArray func

func uppercase2(_ str: [String]) -> [String] {

    return changeArray(name: str) { (string) -> String in

        return string.uppercased()




func doubleArray2(_ name: [String]) -> [String] {

    return changeArray(name: name) { (string) -> String in

        return (string + string)






// 8. Use shorthand $0 and $1 using curly braces {}

func doubleArray3(_ name: [String]) -> [String] {

    return changeArray(name: name) { "Hey " + $0 }



// 9. TypeAlias - allows to take an existing type and turn it into something else. It makes it easier to refer to a particular func type. You can give a func a name without refering to the func type eg. typealias changeValue = (String) -> String, replace the params for the edit func wiht it

typealias changeArrayValueFuncType = (String) -> String




