Editing Heahburg | World Anvil


Sat Apr 08 2023 03:18:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @srielley #undefined

The capital city of Heahburg has several temples to the gods in particularly @[Selûne](person:cddcc710-76bd-4878-aba9-6eb89e15566), @[Helm](person:9117bca6-2fb4-4556-8dae-5899908ebb0), and @[Tyr](person:01ef02df-2922-44dc-b695-098f01e2dfa5). @[The Temple of Helm](landmark:e66b54db-89be-4e54-a419-d5a6d6a9d7ab) trains Paladins. @[The Temple of Tyr](landmark:0e6e62a4-8f18-4fe1-b672-a7572fd0e538), produces some of the best legal minds and judges. @[The Temple of Selûne](landmark:6283e8a0-646d-47d5-8465-d422b6fbbc00) hold great influence with the royal family and is quite wealthy.
Heahburg also use to be the home of the @[Wizards' College](landmark:53b62cb5-9889-42ae-b306-4244cba7b253). When @[Mystra](person:ce63d4dd-9a14-4035-a830-10aed7d125b8), and @[Azuth](person:3aeadb0e-7e57-4b9b-ab9b-7e5c2d7ccc7d), disappeared from the world, the college shut down and wizards slowly faded away in both importance and power. All that is left of magic is the great artifacts and runes that still holds any power. No spells besides cantrips have been cast in the last thousand years.
