/** MAIN method 
 *  Runs whenever a form is submitted by user
const onFormSubmit = (e) => {

  try {

     * Documention for most objects can be found starting at https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/forms/form-response
     * When you are in the Form editor, you create "Items"
     * When you submit a completed form, an object is passed to the script with a "response" property
     * The response property is of the type "FormResponse"
     * A FormResponse includes an array of responses to every answerable ITEM within the form for which the respondent provided an answer
     *    getItemResponses() returns an array of type "ItemResponse"
     * An ItemResponse has an "Item" (getItem()) and a "Response" (getResponse())
     *    The Item must be cast as a type before use https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/forms/item
     *    The Response is an array of responses to answerable items on the form.
     *        In the case of a grid, a entry is in included in the response array only if user has provided an answer to at least one row
     * For a "GridItem" (Item cast as a GridItem)
     *    The item starts with a "Title"
     *    The item has "Rows" (text) and "Columns" (text)
     *    Row responses can't be accessed through the GridItem. You must retireve the row responses as an array through the ItemResponse object (which is the parent of the GridItem object)

    let formResponse = e.response;  // formResponse : FormResponse
    let itemResponses = formResponse.getItemResponses(); // itemResponses : ItemResponse[]

    let currentUser = formResponse.getRespondentEmail();

    let objItems = []; // objItems : array of objItem

    itemResponses.forEach(itemResponse => { // itemResponse : ItemResponse - A response to one answerable item within the form

      let item = itemResponse.getItem(); //item : Item
      let response = itemResponse.getResponse(); // response : String[] in case of GridItem questions (the answer at index n corresponds to the question at row n + 1 in the grid. If no answer, that answer is returned as '')

      // A Grid Item includes the "title" (first line of text) followed by "rows" (the text part of each row)
      if (item.getType() == "GRID") {

        let gridItem = item.asGridItem(); // gridItem : GridItem - Returns item as GridItem. Throws a scripting exception if the ItemType was not already GRID
        let rows = gridItem.getRows(); // rows : String[] - Gets the text part for every row in the grid. 
        let title = gridItem.getTitle(); // title : String - Gets the text that is at the top of the item
        let index = gridItem.getIndex(); // index : int
        let columns = gridItem.getColumns(); // columns : String[] - Gets the possible column values 

        let objItem = new Object();
        objItem['title'] = title;
        objItem['index'] = index;
        objItem['rows'] = mergeRowsAndResponse(rows, response);


    let values = objItems;

    // Construct html and text bodies.  Send EMail
    //const [htmlBody, textBody] = constructAddContent(values);
    const [htmlBody, textBody] = constructEMailBody(HTML_TEMPLATE, TEXT_TEMPLATE, values);
    sendEmailText(textBody, currentUser, "subject", htmlBody);

  } catch (err) {
    MailApp.sendEmail('wayde_johnson@dpsnc.net', 'Error in onFormatSubmit', err);