$scope.over_img = function over_img(e){
	 // $scope.e_x = e.pageX 
	// $scope.e_y =e.pageY 
	   $scope.img = $("table img");
     $scope.img.mouseover(function() {
			 var var_offset_left = $(this).offset().left;
			 var result = $('<div id="result"> d</div>');
			 var img_width = $(this).width();
			 var article_width = $('body').width();  // Width of the article body
			 var article_middle = article_width/2; 
			 var img_outer_width= var_offset_left + img_width;  // width from the article left side + image width
			 var side = img_outer_width - article_middle; 
			       ///console.log( " e_x : " +  $scope.e_x+ " e_y: " +  $scope.e_y )
				 		 //console.log( "var_offset_left : " + var_offset_left+ " img_width: " + img_width )
			       //console.log( " article_width : " + article_width+ " article_middle: " + article_middle )
			       console.log( " img_outer_width : " + img_outer_width+  " side : " + side );
			 	    if (side >0  && img_width < article_middle ){
							console.log("Right side")
						} else if (side < 0 && img_width < article_middle){
							console.log("Left side")

							  console.log( " side ==> center " + side );