emotion detector for bad reviews


Wed Apr 12 2023 02:19:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @xBobbyboy24x #javascript

// Get all the reviews on the page
const reviews = document.querySelectorAll('.review');

// Define the keywords to look for and their associated highlight colors
const keywords = {
  'work': 'yellow',
  'experience': 'yellow',
  'unpleasant': 'yellow',
  'felt': 'green'

// Loop through each review and highlight the keywords
reviews.forEach((review) => {
  // Get the text content of the review
  const reviewText = review.textContent.toLowerCase();

  // Loop through each keyword and highlight it if it's found in the review
  Object.keys(keywords).forEach((keyword) => {
    if (reviewText.includes(keyword)) {
      const regex = new RegExp(keyword, 'gi');
      const highlightedText = review.innerHTML.replace(regex, `<span style="background-color:${keywords[keyword]}">${keyword}</span>`);
      review.innerHTML = highlightedText;