var cursor_keys, ship_sprite;

let game = new Phaser.Game(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, Phaser.AUTO, 'Move a sprite');
game.state.add('main', {
  preload: function(e) {
    game.load.image('ship_image', '{{ file:space-ship.png }}');
  create: function(e) {
    block_group = null;
    obstacle_group = null;
    game.stage.backgroundColor = '#ff0000';
    cursor_keys = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();
    cursor_keys.down.onDown.add(this.input_, this);
    cursor_keys.left.onDown.add(this.input_, this);
    cursor_keys.right.onDown.add(this.input_, this);
    cursor_keys.up.onDown.add(this.input_, this);
    ship_sprite = game.add.sprite(180, 180, 'ship_image');
  input_: function(e) {
    if (cursor_keys.up.isDown && e !== cursor_keys.up) {
      ship_sprite.y -= 2;
      ship_sprite.angle = 0;
    } else if (cursor_keys.down.isDown && e !== cursor_keys.down) {
      ship_sprite.y += 2;
      ship_sprite.angle = (-180);
    } else if (cursor_keys.left.isDown && e !== cursor_keys.left) {
      ship_sprite.x -= 2;
      ship_sprite.angle = (-90);
    } else if (cursor_keys.right.isDown && e !== cursor_keys.right) {
      ship_sprite.x += 2;
      ship_sprite.angle = 90;
  update: function(e) {
    if (e) {
    }, 0);
  render: function(e) {
    game.debug.spriteInfo(ship_sprite, 32, 32);
}, true);
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