function getVarName(){

  //  echo get_var_name($FooBar).' - '.$FooBar;

    // read backtrace
    $bt   = debug_backtrace();
    // read file
    $file = file($bt[0]['file']);
    // select exact print_var_name($varname) line
    $src  = $file[$bt[0]['line']-1];
    // search pattern
    $pat = '#(.*)'.__FUNCTION__.' *?\( *?(.*) *?\)(.*)#i';
    // extract $varname from match no 2
    $var  = preg_replace($pat, '$2', $src);
    // return the var name
    return trim($var);

function debugServer($input, $input_name = "")
    $temp = print_r($input, true);
    error_log(  $input_name . " : "  . $temp);
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