def plot_benchmark(x, y, title, x_label="dataset size", y_label="avg. time in s"): """ Based on: mlinspect/experiments/performance/performance_benchmarks.ipynb """ figure, axis = plt.subplots() axis.set_yscale('log') # sets the scale to be logarithmic with powers of 10 axis.plot(y, marker='8', color='blue', markersize=3) # for marker type see: # plot function: # first arguments set y_value range , x is set to 0..N-1 for now axis.set_xticks(range(0, len(x))) axis.set_xticklabels(x) # set values regarding x - tick stand for 'small vertical lines' on the x-Axis axis.set_facecolor('white') axis.axis('equal') axis.set(xlabel=x_label, ylabel=y_label) axis.grid(True, color='lightgrey') figure.savefig("./benchmark_plots/" + title + ".png", bbox_inches='tight', dpi=800) return
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