# install docker
sudo apt-get install

# create and run a container from an image from the Docker Hub
sudo docker run --name firstContainer ubuntu:latest # where firstContainer is the name of the container

# list locally available docker containers
sudo docker ps -a

# open a docker container in interactive mode in the terminal
sudo docker run -it --name myContainer ubuntu:latest # where myContainer is the container name
# you can exit the container by pressing CTRL+P and CTRL+Q

# attach container to terminal
sudo docker attach myContainer # the container will now stay open in the background even after exiting via CTRL+P and CTRL+Q

# execute commands in the container running in the background
sudo docker exec myContainer echo $PATH

# delete containers
sudo docker rm -f firstContainer myContainer

# create new docker image based on your local environment/container
sudo docker commit myNginx docker_id/image_name # where myNginx is the name of your currently running container

# create new docker container from an image from a previously committed image
sudo docker run -it --name nginxNew docker_id/image_name

# list images on your machine
sudo docker image ls

# login to your docker hub account from the terminal
sudo docker login # you will be prompted to enter your id and password

# push an image to docker hub when logged into your docker account
sudo docker push docker_id/image_name

# run a docker container in the background
sudo docker run -d --name myApp nginx

# start an interactive bash terminal for the container running in the background
sudo docker exec -it myApp bashapt-get

# stop a running container
sudo docker stop myApp

# start a stopped container again
sudo docker start myApp
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