( function ($){
    jQuery (window).on ('load', function (){
        /* Global - Auto run animation for elements with data-animationcss - engine.js */
        animationCSS ();

    /* Auto run animation for elements with data-animationcss */
    function animationCSS(){
        if ( !is_touch_device ()) {
            jQuery ('*[data-animationcss]').addClass (" animated ");

            /* ================ ANIMATED CONTENT ================ */
            if (jQuery (".animated")[ 0 ]) {
                jQuery ('.animated').css ('opacity', '0');

            /* use scrollmagic */
            var animator = new ScrollMagic.Controller ();

            jQuery ('*[data-animationcss]').each (function (){
                var animation = jQuery (this).attr ('data-animationcss');

                var scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene ({
                    triggerElement: this,
                    triggerHook: 'onEnter',
                    offset: 50,
                    reverse: false
                }).on ('start', function (element){

                    jQuery (this.triggerElement ()).css ('opacity', 1);
                    jQuery (this.triggerElement ()).addClass (" animated " + animation);

                .addTo (animator);

} ) (jQuery);
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