    <p class="slds-text-heading_small">{activeSectionMessage}</p>

    <lightning-button onclick={handleSetActiveSectionC} label="Open Section C"></lightning-button>

    <lightning-accordion class="example-accordion" onsectiontoggle={handleToggleSection} active-section-name="B">
        <lightning-accordion-section name="A" label="Accordion Title A">
            <lightning-button-menu slot="actions" alternative-text="Show menu" icon-size="x-small" menu-alignment="right">
                <lightning-menu-item value="New" label="Menu Item One"></lightning-menu-item>
                <lightning-menu-item value="Edit" label="Menu Item Two"></lightning-menu-item>
            <p>This is the content area for section A.</p>
            <p>The section height expands to fit your content.</p>

        <lightning-accordion-section name="B" label="Accordion Title B">
            <p>This is the content area for section B.</p>
            <p>The section height expands to fit your content.</p>

        <lightning-accordion-section name="C" label="Accordion Title C">
            <p>This is the content area for section C.</p>
            <p>The section height expands to fit your content.</p>
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