import { Knex } from "knex";

export async function seed(knex: Knex): Promise<void> {
    await knex('students').del();
    await knex('teachers').del();

    const [teacher_id] = await knex.insert({
        name: "Bob",
        date_of_birth: "1970-01-01"

    return await knex.insert([{
        name: "Peter",
        level: 25,
        date_of_birth: "1995-05-15",
        teacher_id: teacher_id
        level: 25,
        date_of_birth: "1985-06-16",
        teacher_id: teacher_id
        level: 25,
        date_of_birth: "1987-07-17",
        teacher_id: null
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