#========================================================================== # R script for the Submodule 2.6 Population Density Maps - FB MOOC # Data-Pop Alliance # Guillermo Romero, Researcher and data scientist # Comments and questions: gromero@datapopalliance.org # August, 2021 #========================================================================== # To install libraries install.packages("data.table") install.packages("rgdal") install.packages("ggplot2") install.packages("lubridate") install.packages("plyr") install.packages("viridis") install.packages("ggthemes") install.packages("mapproj") install.packages("spdplyr") install.packages("geojsonio") # Load libraries library(data.table) library(rgdal) library(ggplot2) library(lubridate) library(plyr) library(viridis) library(ggthemes) library(mapproj) library(geojsonio) library(spdplyr) ################################ # First Part # Assign Total population into # the area of interest ################################ # Set the working directory setwd("~/Documents/DPA_tutorial") # Open the total population file totalPop = fread('unzip -p population_mex_2018-10-01.csv.zip') # Since this population density map file is big # We are going to use only a subset of this file (for the area of interest) # zm stands for an area capturing Mexico city and the state of Mexico zm <- subset(totalPop, longitude >= -101 & longitude <= -98) zm <- subset(zm, latitude >= 18 & latitude <= 21) # Open the spatial file (shapefile) # The area of interest is Distrito Federal (Mexico city) # And the neighborhood state called Mexico # Note: in the DPA_tutorial folder, create a subfolder named shapefiles # where you need to save your spatial files geo <- readOGR(dsn="shapefiles", layer="gadm36_MEX_2") geo <- geo[,c(4,6,7)] g1<-subset(geo, NAME_1=="Distrito Federal") g2<-subset(geo,NAME_1=="México") geo<-rbind(g1,g2) # Fortify allows you to work a dataframe from the spatial object geodf<-fortify(geo) geo$id <- row.names(geo) # allocate an id variable to the spatial object coords<-zm[,c(2,1)] # define the coordinates columns sp <- SpatialPoints(coords) rm(coords) # Define the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) proj4string(sp) <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0" proj4string(geo) <-"+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0" # Assigning points into polygons assign <- over(sp, geo) # Use rownames to easily merge in the following step assign$rous <- rownames(assign) zm$rous<-rownames(zm) assign$rous<-as.factor(as.character(assign$rous)) zm$rous<-as.factor(as.character(zm$rous)) names(assign)[1]<-"ID" # Merge the assign object with the zm (Mexico city and Mexico state) area zm.Map <- merge(x=assign, y=zm, by.x="rous", by.y="rous") dim(zm.Map) zm.Map <- zm.Map[!is.na(zm.Map$GID_2),] head(zm.Map) # Sum the population per municipality # This is the total population density map per municipality total.zm.Mun<-aggregate(population_2020~NAME_2+GID_2, FUN=sum, data=zm.Map, na.rm=TRUE) head(total.zm.Mun) ################################ # Second Part # Assign Women population into # the area of interest ################################ # Women - High resolution population density map # Open the women population file totalPop = fread('unzip -p mex_women_of_reproductive_age_15_49_2019-06-01_csv.zip') # Since this population density map file is big # We are going to use only a subset of this file (for the area of interest) # zm stands for an area capturing Mexico city and the state of Mexico zm <- subset(totalPop, longitude >= -101 & longitude <= -98) zm <- subset(zm, latitude >= 18 & latitude <= 21) # Open the spatial file (shapefile) # The area of interest is Distrito Federal (Mexico city) # And the neighborhood state called Mexico geo <- readOGR(dsn="shapes", layer="gadm36_MEX_2") geo <- geo[,c(4,6,7)] g1<-subset(geo, NAME_1=="Distrito Federal") g2<-subset(geo,NAME_1=="México") geo<-rbind(g1,g2) geodf<-fortify(geo) geo$id <- row.names(geo) coords<-zm[,c(2,1)] sp <- SpatialPoints(coords) rm(coords) # Use the following Coordinate Reference System (CRS) proj4string(sp) <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0" proj4string(geo) <-"+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0" #assigning points into polygons assign <- over(sp, geo) dim(assign) assign$rous <- rownames(assign) zm$rous<-rownames(zm) assign$rous<-as.factor(as.character(assign$rous)) zm$rous<-as.factor(as.character(zm$rous)) names(assign)[1]<-"ID" # merge zm.Map <- merge(x=assign, y=zm, by.x="rous", by.y="rous") dim(zm.Map) zm.Map <- zm.Map[!is.na(zm.Map$GID_2),] head(zm.Map) # Sum the women population per municipality # This is the women population density map per municipality women.zm.Mun<-aggregate(population~NAME_2+GID_2, FUN=sum, data=zm.Map, na.rm=TRUE) names(women.zm.Mun)[3]<-"women_population" head(women.zm.Mun) # Merge total- and women population per mun pop.Map <- merge(x=total.zm.Mun, y=women.zm.Mun, by.x="GID_2", by.y="GID_2") # pop.Map is the object containing both, the total and the women population info pop.Map$women.perc<-pop.Map$women_population/pop.Map$population_2020 pop.Map<-pop.Map[,c(1,2,3,5,6)] names(pop.Map)[2]<-"municipality" head(pop.Map) rm(totalPop) rm(zm) ################################ # Third Part # Incorporate mobility data and # Calculate a risk score ################################ # Load Fb Range Maps (Mobility data) and select the country of interest mobility = fread('unzip -p movement-range-data-2021-07-20.zip') mex<-subset(mobility, country=="MEX") rm(mobility) # Merge mobility with the population (pop.Map) object previously created mobility.pop.Map <- merge(x=pop.Map, y=mex, by.x="GID_2", by.y="polygon_id") names(mobility.pop.Map)[6]<-"date" head(mobility.pop.Map) # Select dates of interest # In this case, we are going to use a week during the quarantine # Rename column accordingly mobility.pop.Map$date<-as.Date(mobility.pop.Map$date, format="%Y-%m-%d") mobility.pop.quarantine<-subset(mobility.pop.Map, date>="2020-05-01" & date<="2020-05-07") names(mobility.pop.quarantine)[11]<-"population.staying.home" head(mobility.pop.quarantine) # Get the media of population staying home per municipality mobility.pop.quarantine<-aggregate(population.staying.home~GID_2+women_population+women.perc+population_2020, FUN=mean, data=mobility.pop.quarantine, na.rm=TRUE) # Calculate a weighted risk score attach(mobility.pop.quarantine) mobility.pop.quarantine$Risk.Score<-(women.perc)*(1-population.staying.home)*(sum(pop.Map$women_population)) # Normalize risk score attach(mobility.pop.quarantine) mobility.pop.quarantine$nRisk.Score<-(Risk.Score-min(Risk.Score))/(max(Risk.Score)-min(Risk.Score)) mobility.pop.quarantine<-mobility.pop.quarantine[,c(1,7)] head(mobility.pop.quarantine) ################################ # Map using ggplot2 ################################ # Choropleth Map with risk score shapefile <- readOGR(dsn="shapefiles", layer="gadm36_MEX_2") g1<-subset(shapefile, NAME_1=="Distrito Federal") g2<-subset(shapefile,NAME_1=="México") shapefile<-rbind(g1,g2) shapefile@data$id = rownames(shapefile@data) head(shapefile@data) class(shapefile@data) dim(shapefile@data) #shapefile.points = fortify(shapefile, region = "id") shapefile.points = fortify(shapefile) shapefile.df = join(shapefile.points, shapefile@data, by = "id") head(shapefile.df) shapefile.df = subset(shapefile.df, select = c(long, lat, group, GID_2)) sort(unique(shapefile.df$GID_2)) #names(shapefile.df) = c("long", "lat", "group", "NAME1") risk.map = join(shapefile.df, mobility.pop.quarantine, by = "GID_2", type = "full") head(risk.map) dim(risk.map) #chrolopleth #png("zm.risk.score.map.png", width = 5, height = 5, units = 'in', res = 300) p0 <- ggplot(data = risk.map, mapping = aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group, fill = nRisk.Score)) p1 <- p0 + geom_polygon(color = "gray90", size = 0.05) + coord_map(projection = "albers", lat0 = 39, lat1 = 45) p2 <- p1 + scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "magma", direction = -1) p2 + theme_map() + #facet_wrap(~ year, ncol = 2) + theme(legend.position = "right", strip.background = element_blank()) + #labs(fill = "Changement en pourcentage / semaine", # "title = "Opiate Related Deaths by State, 2000-2014") labs(fill = "nRisk.Score") #dev.off() ################################ # Creation of files for kepler: # risk score ################################ riskScore<-subset(risk.map, !duplicated(GID_2)) head(riskScore) shapefile <- readOGR(dsn="shapefiles", layer="gadm36_MEX_2") g1<-subset(shapefile, NAME_1=="Distrito Federal") g2<-subset(shapefile,NAME_1=="México") shapefile<-rbind(g1,g2) shapefile<-shapefile[,c(6,7)] shapefile@data = join(shapefile@data, riskScore, by = "GID_2", type = "full") head(shapefile@data) class(shapefile) #to convert to geojson format json <- geojson_json(shapefile)# Simplify the geometry information of GeoJSON. geojson_write(json, geometry = "polygon", file = "nrisk.Score.geojson") ################################ # Creation of files for kepler: # # Pre-COVID temporal window. Mobility data ################################ mobility = fread('unzip -p /home/guillermo/Documents/dpa/fbMooc/population.maps/movement-range-data-2021-07-20.zip') mex<-subset(mobility, country=="MEX") mex<-mex[,c(4,1,7)] names(mex)[1]<-"GID_2" names(mex)[2]<-"date" names(mex)[3]<-"population.staying.home" #select a temporal window of one week #data starts at 2020-03-01 mex$date<-as.Date(mex$date, format="%Y-%m-%d") mex<-subset(mex, date<="2020-03-07") mex<-aggregate(population.staying.home~GID_2, FUN=mean, data=mex, na.rm=TRUE) #need coordinates #get them the previous object named: risk.map coord<-subset(risk.map, !duplicated(GID_2)) coord<-coord[,c(1:4)] #add coordinates to mex object mex <- merge(x=mex, y=coord, by="GID_2", all.y=TRUE) shapefile <- readOGR(dsn="shapefiles", layer="gadm36_MEX_2") g1<-subset(shapefile, NAME_1=="Distrito Federal") g2<-subset(shapefile,NAME_1=="México") shapefile<-rbind(g1,g2) shapefile<-shapefile[,c(6,7)] shapefile@data = join(shapefile@data, mex, by = "GID_2", type = "full") head(shapefile@data) class(shapefile) json <- geojson_json(shapefile)# Simplify the geometry information of GeoJSON. geojson_write(json, geometry = "polygon", file = "mobility.precovid.geojson") ################################ # Creation of files for kepler: # Quarantine week. Mobility data ################################ mobility = fread('unzip -p /home/guillermo/Documents/dpa/fbMooc/population.maps/movement-range-data-2021-07-20.zip') mex<-subset(mobility, country=="MEX") mex<-mex[,c(4,1,7)] names(mex)[1]<-"GID_2" names(mex)[2]<-"date" names(mex)[3]<-"atHome" mex$date<-as.Date(mex$date, format="%Y-%m-%d") mex<-subset(mex, date>="2020-05-01") mex<-subset(mex, date<="2020-05-07") mex<-aggregate(atHome~GID_2, FUN=mean, data=mex, na.rm=TRUE) #need coordinates #get them from previous object named: risk.map coord<-subset(risk.map, !duplicated(GID_2)) coord<-coord[,c(1:4)] #add coordinates to mex object mex <- merge(x=mex, y=coord, by="GID_2", all.y=TRUE) shapefile <- readOGR(dsn="shapes", layer="gadm36_MEX_2") g1<-subset(shapefile, NAME_1=="Distrito Federal") g2<-subset(shapefile,NAME_1=="México") shapefile<-rbind(g1,g2) shapefile<-shapefile[,c(6,7)] shapefile@data = join(shapefile@data, mex, by = "GID_2", type = "full") head(shapefile@data) class(shapefile) #convert into geojson format json <- geojson_json(shapefile) geojson_write(json, geometry = "polygon", file = "mobility.quarantine.geojson") ################################ # Creation of files for kepler: # population density map sample ################################ totalPop = fread('unzip -p population_mex_2018-10-01.csv.zip') #get a sample of your total pop sampling <- totalPop[sample(nrow(totalPop), 174579), ] #write write.csv(sampling, "population.density.map.sample.csv", row.names=FALSE)
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