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      <p class="font-body mt-5 max-w-prose  text-l text-gray-800 text-left">
        From ideation to launch, we're here to help you reach your goals.
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                d="M28.5 26.3281H7.5C5.4 26.3281 3.75 24.6781 3.75 22.5781V19.5781C3.75 19.1281 4.05 18.8281 4.5 18.8281H31.5C31.95 18.8281 32.25 19.1281 32.25 19.5781V22.5781C32.25 24.6781 30.6 26.3281 28.5 26.3281Z"
                d="M23.9977 32.3281H11.9977C11.6977 32.3281 11.3977 32.1781 11.2477 31.8781C11.0977 31.5781 11.2477 31.2781 11.3977 31.1281L12.7477 29.6281L13.7977 25.2781C13.9477 25.1281 14.2477 24.8281 14.5477 24.8281H21.2977C21.5977 24.8281 21.8977 25.1281 22.0477 25.4281L23.0977 29.7781L24.4477 31.1281C24.5977 31.2781 24.7477 31.7281 24.5977 31.8781C24.4477 32.0281 24.2977 32.3281 23.9977 32.3281Z"
            <h3 class="mt-2 text-xl font-title text-gray-800 text-center">Web &amp; Mobile Development
            <p class="mt-1 font-body text-sm text-gray-800 text-left">
              Our expert engineering team delivers fully operative web &amp; mobile apps from our servers to the
              We build fast, scalable, responsive, and friendly software crafted in agile frameworks.


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            <svg class="mx-auto" width="36" height="37" viewBox="0 0 36 37" fill="none"
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                fill="#E8EEF9" stroke="#E8EEF9" stroke-width="1.23438"></path>
                d="M25.5526 32.7031H10.7401C10.5344 30.8516 11.7276 27.1484 18.1464 27.1484C24.5651 27.1484 25.7583 30.8516 25.5526 32.7031Z"
                fill="#D8E3F5" stroke="#D8E3F5" stroke-width="1.23438"></path>
                d="M20.5938 18.0234C20.5938 19.3869 19.4885 20.4922 18.125 20.4922C16.7615 20.4922 15.6562 19.3869 15.6562 18.0234C15.6562 16.66 16.7615 15.5547 18.125 15.5547C19.4885 15.5547 20.5938 16.66 20.5938 18.0234Z"
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            <h3 class="mt-2 text-xl font-title text-gray-800 text-center ">Product Design</h3>
            <p class="mt-1 font-body text-sm text-gray-800 text-left">
              We build strategic designs with a unique look &amp; feel that fit all screen sizes flawlessly and make
              experience intuitive, smooth, and friendly. We put the users at the center of the design process.


          <div class="flow-root bg-white shadow-sm rounded-lg  p-6">

            <svg class="mx-auto" width="36" height="37" viewBox="0 0 36 37" fill="none"
                d="M31.5 18.0781C31.5 25.534 25.4558 31.5781 18 31.5781C10.5442 31.5781 4.5 25.534 4.5 18.0781C4.5 10.6223 10.5442 4.57812 18 4.57812C25.4558 4.57812 31.5 10.6223 31.5 18.0781Z"
                fill="#D8E3F5" stroke="#D8E3F5" stroke-width="3.69231" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
                d="M27 18.0781C27 23.0487 22.9706 27.0781 18 27.0781C13.0294 27.0781 9 23.0487 9 18.0781C9 13.1076 13.0294 9.07812 18 9.07812C22.9706 9.07812 27 13.1076 27 18.0781Z"
                fill="#E8EEF9" stroke="#E8EEF9" stroke-width="3.69231" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
                d="M21 18.0781C21 19.735 19.6569 21.0781 18 21.0781C16.3431 21.0781 15 19.735 15 18.0781C15 16.4213 16.3431 15.0781 18 15.0781C19.6569 15.0781 21 16.4213 21 18.0781Z"
                fill="#F8FAFD" stroke="#F8FAFD" stroke-width="3.69231" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
              <path d="M24.9058 18.268H18.4483M18.4483 18.268V11.8105M18.4483 18.268L27.0583 9.65795" stroke="#49AFE4"
                stroke-width="2.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>

            <h3 class="mt-2 text-xl font-title text-gray-800 text-center">Product Strategy</h3>
            <p class="mt-1 font-body text-sm text-gray-800 text-left">
              We'll help you understand, ideate, and validate every detail concerning the product: business model,
              target audience, MVP roadmap, technical specifics, etc.


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            <svg class="mx-auto" width="36" height="37" viewBox="0 0 36 37" fill="none"
                d="M21 15.0781L18 16.5781M18 16.5781L15 15.0781M18 16.5781V20.3281M30 10.5781L27 12.0781M30 10.5781L27 9.07812M30 10.5781V14.3281M21 6.07812L18 4.57812L15 6.07812M6 10.5781L9 9.07812M6 10.5781L9 12.0781M6 10.5781V14.3281M18 31.5781L15 30.0781M18 31.5781L21 30.0781M18 31.5781V27.8281M9 27.0781L6 25.5781V21.8281M27 27.0781L30 25.5781V21.8281"
                stroke="#D8E3F5" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>

            <h3 class="mt-2 text-xl font-title text-gray-800 text-center">AR/VR</h3>
            <p class="mt-1 font-body text-sm text-gray-800 text-left">
              Our engineering and creative talent work to launch mind-blowing products that create immersive and
              exceptional user experiences using augmented and virtual reality.


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