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        <h3 class="md:mt-6 text-4xl font-title uppercase text-gray-800 text-left">Why is Laravel a good fit for
        <p class="mt-1 font-body  text-gray-800 text-left">
          Laravel brings to the table lots of advantages that benefit high-end solutions for enterprises. Let's review
          some of them:

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                <path d="M3 6C3 4.89543 3.89543 4 5 4H19C20.1046 4 21 4.89543 21 6V18C21 19.1046 20.1046 20 19 20H5C3.89543 20 3 19.1046 3 18V6Z" fill="#E4EBF8" stroke="#E4EBF8" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
                <path d="M8 9L11 12L8 15M13 15H16" stroke="#EF7E82" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
              <h4 class="uppercase  text-sm font-body font-semibold text-gray-800 px-2 tracking-wider">Fast
            <p class="text-sm text-gray-800 mt-4">
              Laravel is empowered with the Model View Controller (MVC) model and Artisan CLI, which, in simple words,
              enables developers to work faster. Moreover, its open-source nature makes it highly flexible, allowing
              developers to customize functionalities according to business needs.

          <div class=" bg-lila-100 p-6 rounded-xl shadow-sm w-full  col-span-2 md:col-span-1">
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              <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none">
                <path d="M4 13C4 11.8954 4.89543 11 6 11H18C19.1046 11 20 11.8954 20 13V19C20 20.1046 19.1046 21 18 21H6C4.89543 21 4 20.1046 4 19V13Z" fill="#D8E3F5"></path>
                <path d="M6 12H18V10H6V12ZM19 13V19H21V13H19ZM18 20H6V22H18V20ZM5 19V13H3V19H5ZM6 20C5.44772 20 5 19.5523 5 19H3C3 20.6569 4.34315 22 6 22V20ZM19 19C19 19.5523 18.5523 20 18 20V22C19.6569 22 21 20.6569 21 19H19ZM18 12C18.5523 12 19 12.4477 19 13H21C21 11.3431 19.6569 10 18 10V12ZM6 10C4.34315 10 3 11.3431 3 13H5C5 12.4477 5.44772 12 6 12V10Z" fill="#D8E3F5"></path>
                <path d="M16 11V12H17V11H16ZM8 11H7V12H8V11ZM15 7V11H17V7H15ZM16 10H8V12H16V10ZM9 11V7H7V11H9ZM12 4C13.6569 4 15 5.34315 15 7H17C17 4.23858 14.7614 2 12 2V4ZM12 2C9.23858 2 7 4.23858 7 7H9C9 5.34315 10.3431 4 12 4V2Z" fill="#D8E3F5"></path>
                <path d="M13 15C13 14.4477 12.5523 14 12 14C11.4477 14 11 14.4477 11 15H13ZM11 17C11 17.5523 11.4477 18 12 18C12.5523 18 13 17.5523 13 17H11ZM11 15V17H13V15H11Z" fill="#EF7E82"></path>
              <h4 class="uppercase  text-sm font-body font-semibold text-gray-800 px-2 tracking-wider">High-level
            <p class="text-sm text-gray-800 mt-4">
              Security is a major issue in enterprises, as they might deal with a large amount of confidential data.
              Laravel deals with this smoothly, as it protects web apps against risks like cross-site forgery requests,
              malicious actors, hackers, data breaches, and SQL injection.


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              <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none">
                <path d="M6 5C6 3.89543 6.89543 3 8 3H16C17.1046 3 18 3.89543 18 5V19C18 20.1046 17.1046 21 16 21H8C6.89543 21 6 20.1046 6 19V5Z" fill="#D8E3F5" stroke="#D8E3F5" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
                <path d="M12 20H12.01" stroke="#FCFDFE" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
              <h4 class="uppercase  text-sm font-body font-semibold text-gray-800 px-2 tracking-wider">Hybrid App
            <p class="text-sm text-gray-800 mt-4">
              Users increasingly demand mobile applications, and enterprises must adapt to this need to not stay
              behind. Hybrid applications are often the right go-to since native app development requires more time
              and investment. Laravel stands as a great choice as it does excellent work hosting hybrid apps.


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              <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none">
                <path d="M4 6.5C4 5.39543 4.89543 4.5 6 4.5H18C19.1046 4.5 20 5.39543 20 6.5V18.5C20 19.6046 19.1046 20.5 18 20.5H6C4.89543 20.5 4 19.6046 4 18.5V6.5Z" fill="#D8E3F5" stroke="#D8E3F5" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
                <path d="M16 8.5V16.5M12 11.5V16.5M8 14.5V16.5" stroke="#EF7E82" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
              <h4 class="uppercase  text-sm font-body font-semibold text-gray-800 px-2 tracking-wider">Community support
            <p class="text-sm text-gray-800 mt-4">
              Enterprise applications' scope might be enormous, and a single bug or performance issue may affect
              numerous users' experience.
              Laravel's has a solid open-source community that offers excellent assistance for any problem the
              application faces. Plus, there's a lot of documentation out there and other learning resources. This will
              help fix any issues ASAP.


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              <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none">
                <path d="M4 6.5C4 5.39543 4.89543 4.5 6 4.5H18C19.1046 4.5 20 5.39543 20 6.5V18.5C20 19.6046 19.1046 20.5 18 20.5H6C4.89543 20.5 4 19.6046 4 18.5V6.5Z" fill="#D8E3F5" stroke="#D8E3F5" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
                <path d="M16 8.5V16.5M12 11.5V16.5M8 14.5V16.5" stroke="#EF7E82" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
              <h4 class="uppercase  text-sm font-body font-semibold text-gray-800 px-2 tracking-wider">Scaling Laravel
            <p class="text-sm text-gray-800 mt-4">
              Laravel has some out of the box features to help you scale your application. In this section I’ll focus on
              Laravel-specific ones. Of course, other things as server, database and infrastructure should be considered
              when working on scaling your application.</p>
            <p class="text-sm text-gray-800 mt-4">
              Some examples are: S3 integration, Redis integration, Efficient Eloquent Queries, Table Indexing,
              Transactions &amp; Concurrency Control, Laravel Vapor for On-demand auto-scaling.



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              <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none">
                <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M21 6C21 7.65685 19.6569 9 18 9C16.3431 9 15 7.65685 15 6C15 4.34315 16.3431 3 18 3C19.6569 3 21 4.34315 21 6ZM9 12C9 13.6569 7.65685 15 6 15C4.34315 15 3 13.6569 3 12C3 10.3431 4.34315 9 6 9C7.65685 9 9 10.3431 9 12ZM18 21C19.6569 21 21 19.6569 21 18C21 16.3431 19.6569 15 18 15C16.3431 15 15 16.3431 15 18C15 19.6569 16.3431 21 18 21Z" fill="#D8E3F5"></path>
                <path d="M8.68384 13.342L15.3161 16.6582M8.68384 10.6582L15.3161 7.34204" stroke="#EF7E82" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
                <path d="M21 6C21 7.65685 19.6569 9 18 9C16.8255 9 15.8087 8.32508 15.3161 7.34193C15.1138 6.93815 15 6.48237 15 6C15 4.34315 16.3431 3 18 3C19.6569 3 21 4.34315 21 6Z" stroke="#D8E3F5" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
                <path d="M21 18C21 19.6569 19.6569 21 18 21C16.3431 21 15 19.6569 15 18C15 17.5176 15.1138 17.0619 15.3161 16.6581C15.8087 15.6749 16.8255 15 18 15C19.6569 15 21 16.3431 21 18Z" stroke="#D8E3F5" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
                <path d="M9 12C9 12.4824 8.88616 12.9381 8.68387 13.3419C8.19134 14.3251 7.17449 15 6 15C4.34315 15 3 13.6569 3 12C3 10.3431 4.34315 9 6 9C7.17449 9 8.19134 9.67492 8.68387 10.6581C8.88616 11.0619 9 11.5176 9 12Z" stroke="#D8E3F5" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
              <h4 class="uppercase  text-sm font-body font-semibold text-gray-800 px-2 tracking-wider">Avoid Lockin
            <p class="text-sm text-gray-800 mt-4">
              Lockin happens when you're "stuck" with a supplier/service provider because you depend on them. Laravel
              allows you to change all dependencies, port all controllers and write everything you need in service class
              POPos. Plus, there are many excellent Laravel service providers out there.




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