@echo off SET %DOCKER%=”docker” SET CONTAINER_NAME=”linux_sandbox” SET IMAGE_TO_USE=”centos:latest” SET IMAGE_TO_USE_SANDBOX=”sandbox:%CONTAINER_NAME%” echo Container – %CONTAINER_NAME% echo Select an Option to Continue: echo [0] – Container – Create echo [1] – Container – Start echo [2] – Container – Stop echo [3] – Container – Terminal echo [4] – Container – Destroy set /p CHOICE=”Enter Selection: ” IF “%CHOICE%” == “0” ( %DOCKER% pull “%IMAGE_TO_USE%” start /MIN “” “%DOCKER%” run -it –privileged –name %CONTAINER_NAME% %IMAGE_TO_USE% bash timeout 10 %DOCKER% exec -it %CONTAINER_NAME% bash -c “yum -y update;yum clean all” %DOCKER% exec -it %CONTAINER_NAME% bash -c “yum -y install openssh-server passwd; yum clean all” %DOCKER% exec -it %CONTAINER_NAME% bash -c “mkdir /var/run/sshd” %DOCKER% exec -it %CONTAINER_NAME% bash -c “ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -N ”” %DOCKER% exec -it %CONTAINER_NAME% bash -c “echo ‘root:password’ | chpasswd” %DOCKER% commit %CONTAINER_NAME% %IMAGE_TO_USE_SANDBOX% %DOCKER% stop %CONTAINER_NAME% %DOCKER% rm %CONTAINER_NAME% %DOCKER% run -d –privileged –name %CONTAINER_NAME% -p “22:22” %IMAGE_TO_USE_SANDBOX% /usr/sbin/sshd -D ) IF “%CHOICE%” == “1” ( %DOCKER% start %CONTAINER_NAME% ) IF “%CHOICE%” == “2” ( %DOCKER% stop %CONTAINER_NAME% ) IF “%CHOICE%” == “3” ( %DOCKER% exec -it %CONTAINER_NAME% /bin/bash ) IF “%CHOICE%” == “4” ( %DOCKER% stop %CONTAINER_NAME% %DOCKER% rm %CONTAINER_NAME% %DOCKER% rmi %IMAGE_TO_USE_SANDBOX% ) pause
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