# selectdataframe from index from list of int
top_sim = [21, 24622, 32199, 32570, 17463]

top_sim_frame = job_vec.loc[top_simi, : ]
# --------------------

You nedd add () because & has higher precedence than ==:

df3 = df[(df['count'] == '2') & (df['price'] == '100')]
print (df3)
  id count price
0  1     2   100

If need check multiple values use isin:

df4 = df[(df['count'].isin(['2','7'])) & (df['price'].isin(['100', '221']))]
print (df4)
  id count price
0  1     2   100
3  4     7   221

But if check numeric, use:

df3 = df[(df['count'] == 2) & (df['price'] == 100)]
print (df3)

df4 = df[(df['count'].isin([2,7])) & (df['price'].isin([100, 221]))]
print (df4)

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