df = pd.read_csv("..\\dataset\\ecommerce_sample.csv")
df[time_axis] = pd.to_datetime(df[time_axis],format = '%d/%m/%Y')

#get kpi_axis
kpi_axis = 'kpi'
time_axis = 'time'
y_before =  df[df[time_axis] <= '2019-09-11'][kpi_axis]
y_after  =  df[df[time_axis]  > '2019-09-11'][kpi_axis]

#one-hot encoding categorical features
df = binarize(df,df.columns,kpi_axis,time_axis,3)

X_before =  df[df[time_axis] <= '2019-09-11'].drop([kpi_axis,time_axis],axis = 1).to_numpy()
X_after  =  df[df[time_axis] >  '2019-09-11'].drop([kpi_axis,time_axis],axis = 1).to_numpy()

#training left and right
regression_model_before = LassoCV(cv = 10)
regression_model_after = LassoCV(cv = 10),y_before),y_after)

#plotting results
features = df.columns
dweights =regression_model_after - regression_model_before
index = np.argsort(-abs(dweights))
x_axis = features[index[0:3]].to_list()

p = figure(x_range=x_axis,title = "Feature weights difference",plot_width=1000)
p.vbar(x=x_axis, top=(abs(dweights[index[0:3]])),width = 0.8)
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