class Dice
        private int _sides;

        public int Sides
                return _sides;
                _sides = value;

        public string type { get; set; }

        public Dice()
            this.Sides = 6;

        public Dice(int sides)
            this.Sides = sides;

        public int roll()
            Random rnd = new Random();
            return rnd.Next(1, Sides + 1);

    class Program

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Dice dice1 = new Dice();
            Dice dice2 = new Dice(8);

            Console.WriteLine("Dice with {0} side", dice1.Sides);//6
            Console.WriteLine("Dice with {0} side", dice2.Sides);//8

            Console.WriteLine("Dice with 6 sides is {0}", dice1.roll());
            Console.WriteLine("Dice with 8 sides is {0}", dice2.roll());

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