Current pricing scheme:

Reject - 4 cents
Approved and Sold - 50 cents
Overflow - 33 cents

Reject Criteria:
leadType is vendor, agentID does not exist

Approved and Sold Criteria:
leadType is vendor, agentID exists, leadPrice is not 0

Overflow Criteria:
leadType is vendor, agentID exists, leadPrice is 0


if (doc['leadType.keyword'].size() > 0) 
    if (doc['leadType.keyword'].value == 'vendor') 
         if (doc['agentID.keyword'].size() <= 0)
         if (doc['enhancedProfileResult.keyword'].size() > 0)
            return 0.04; //Rejected Charge
         else if(doc['agentID.keyword'].size() > 0)
             if(doc['leadPrice'].size() > 0)
                 if(doc['leadPrice'].value != 0)
                    return 0.5; //Approved and Sold Charge
                  if(doc['leadPrice'].value == 0)
                    return 0.33; //Overflow Charge

return 0
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