# install docker

 $ wget -nv -O - | sh

 # setup dokku apt repository

 $ wget -nv -O - | apt-key add -

 $ export SOURCE=""

 $ export OS_ID="$(lsb_release -cs 2>/dev/null || echo "bionic")"

 $ echo "bionic focal" | grep -q "$OS_ID" || OS_ID="bionic"

 $ echo "deb $SOURCE $OS_ID main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dokku.list

 $ apt-get update

 # install dokku

 $ apt-get install dokku

 $ dokku plugin:install-dependencies --core # run with root!

 # Configure your server domain via `dokku domains:set-global`

 # and user access (via `dokku ssh-keys:add`) to complete the installation
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