 * Translates text to a certain language.
 * @param {String} text The text to translate (or an options object)
 * @param {String} target The target language to translate to.
 * @param {String} source The source language.
 * @returns {Promise.<object>} Returns a promise resolving into an object with the translated text, raw response JSON, the original text, and the target and source languages.
 * @example
 * var translated = await translate("Hello world", "fr");
 * // ⇒ 
 * // {
 * //   source: "en", 
 * //   original: "Hello world",
 * //   translated: "Bonjour le monde",
 * //   result: "weird google stuff here"
 * // }
async function translate(text, target, source, proxy) {
  if (typeof text == "object") {
    target =;
    source = text.source;
    proxy = text.proxy;
    text = text.text;
  var opts = {
    text: text || "",
    source: source || 'auto',
    target: target || "en",
    proxy: proxy || "",
  var result = await fetch(
  ).then(res => res.json());
  return {
    source: opts.source,
    original: text,
    translated: result[0]?.[0]?.[0],
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