# Initialise local repo
git init         

# Stage files to index
git add <file>

# Check status of working tree
git status       

# Commit changes in index
git commit

# Push to remote repository
git push

# Pull latest from remote repository
git pull

# Clone repository into a new directory
git clone

# Configure

# Setup
git config --global '<name>'
git config --global '<email>'
git config --global init.defaultBranch main

# Protocol
git config --global default.protocol ssh

# Long path support
git config --global core.longpaths true

# GPG signatures
git config --global gpg.program '<path to gpg>'
git config --global user.signingKey '<GPG signature>'
git config --global commit.gpgSign true
git config --global tab.forceSignAnnotated true

# Globals
git config --global core.excludesFile = '<path to global .gitignore>'
git config --global core.attributesFile = '<path to global .gitattributes'

# Color
git config --global color.ui true

# Staging Process

# Stage file
git add <file name>   

# Un-Stage File
git rm <file name>

# Add all *.py files
git add *.py

# Add Everything that has changed
git add .
# or
git add *

# Commit Process

# Commit staging area to your local repository
git commit -m "<commit message>"

# Branching

git branch <branch_name>    # Create branch
git checkout <branch_name>  # move to branch
git add <filename>          # add file change to branches
git commit -m "comments"    # commit file and add comments
git checkout <master>       # move to main branch
git merge <branch name>     # merge branch into current branch location
git push                    # push branch to hub
git branch -d <branch>      # delete branch
# Remote Repository

# list all remote repositories
git remote

# add origin (HTTPS)
git remote add origin '<user>/<repo>.git

# add origin (SSH)
git remote add origin '<user>/<repo>.git'

# initialize origin in first push
git push -u origin main # or master
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