(function runMailScript( /* GlideRecord */ current, /* TemplatePrinter */ template,
    /* Optional EmailOutbound */
    email, /* Optional GlideRecord */ email_action,
    /* Optional GlideRecord */
    event) {

    var portal = gs.getProperty("sn_km_portal.glide.knowman.serviceportal.portal_url", 'kb');

    template.print("Hi " + current.user.getDisplayValue() + ",<br/><br/>");

    template.print("The feedback you submitted, ");
    template.print("<a href='" + gs.getProperty('glide.servlet.uri') + portal + "?id=form&table=kb_feedback&sys_id=" + current.sys_id + "'>" +
        current.u_feedback_number + "</a>");
    template.print(", for ");
    template.print("<a href='" + gs.getProperty('glide.servlet.uri') + "" + current.article + "'>" + current.article.getDisplayValue() + "</a>" + " was resolved. Please review and accept.");
    template.print("<br/><br/>" + "Work notes: ${current.work_notes}");

})(current, template, email, email_action, event);
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