<figure class="snip1515">
  <div class="profile-image"><img src="" alt="sample47" /></div>
    <h3>Fleece Marigold</h3>
    <p>Which is worse, that everyone has his price, or that the price is always so low.</p>
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<figure class="snip1515">
  <div class="profile-image"><img src="" alt="sample83" /></div>
    <h3>Norman Gordon</h3>
    <h4>Web Designer</h4>
    <p>I'm killing time while I wait for life to shower me with meaning and happiness.</p>
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<figure class="snip1515">
  <div class="profile-image"><img src="" alt="sample70" /></div>
    <h3>Ruby Von Rails</h3>
    <h4>Public Relations</h4>
    <p>The only skills I have the patience to learn are those that have no real application in life. </p>
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/* Demo purposes only */
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