using System;
using UnityEngine;
using Cinemachine;
using Photon.Pun;
using Photon.Realtime;
using ExitGames.Client.Photon;

public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviourPunCallbacks
    private Animator _playerAnimator;
    public PhotonView PV;
    [SerializeField] private bool isDancing;
    RaiseEventOptions raiseEventOptions = new RaiseEventOptions { Receivers = ReceiverGroup.All };
    public void Emote()
        // Checks if player isDancing and if player isn't dancing run the Emote code if player code is dancing then cancel Emote
        if (!isDancing)
            isDancing = true;
            // Swaps camera to the 3rd person camera
            emoteCamera.Priority = 2;

            // Checks if Emote PlayerPref is set
            if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Emote"))
                // Save Emote PlayerPref to string variable
                string emote = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Emote");
                // Use Switch statement to check the Emote string
                switch (emote)
                    case "Pushup":
                        // Raise an event through PhotonNetwork using the EmoteAnimate event code containing the player PhotonView ID and emote string
                        PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(EmoteAnimate, new object[] { PV.ViewID, emote }, raiseEventOptions, SendOptions.SendReliable);
                    case "Loser":
                        PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(EmoteAnimate, new object[] { PV.ViewID, emote }, raiseEventOptions, SendOptions.SendReliable);
                    case "Threatening":
                        PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(EmoteAnimate, new object[] { PV.ViewID, emote }, raiseEventOptions, SendOptions.SendReliable);
                    case "ChickenDance":
                        PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(EmoteAnimate, new object[] { PV.ViewID, emote }, raiseEventOptions, SendOptions.SendReliable);
                    case "DancingMaraschinoStep":
                        PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(EmoteAnimate, new object[] { PV.ViewID, emote }, raiseEventOptions, SendOptions.SendReliable);
                    case "DancingTwerk":
                        PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(EmoteAnimate, new object[] { PV.ViewID, emote }, raiseEventOptions, SendOptions.SendReliable);
                    case "GangnamStyle":
                        PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(EmoteAnimate, new object[] { PV.ViewID, emote }, raiseEventOptions, SendOptions.SendReliable);
                    case "MacarenaDance":
                        PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(EmoteAnimate, new object[] { PV.ViewID, emote }, raiseEventOptions, SendOptions.SendReliable);
                    case "RobotHipHopDance":
                        PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(EmoteAnimate, new object[] { PV.ViewID, emote }, raiseEventOptions, SendOptions.SendReliable);
                    case "Shuffling":
                        PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(EmoteAnimate, new object[] { PV.ViewID, emote }, raiseEventOptions, SendOptions.SendReliable);
                    case "SillyDancing":
                        PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(EmoteAnimate, new object[] { PV.ViewID, emote }, raiseEventOptions, SendOptions.SendReliable);
                    case "TwistDance":
                        PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(EmoteAnimate, new object[] { PV.ViewID, emote }, raiseEventOptions, SendOptions.SendReliable);
            // If no PlayerPref is saved set PlayerPref to default "Loser" and raise an event
                PlayerPrefs.SetString("Emote", "Loser");
                PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(EmoteAnimate, new object[] { PV.ViewID, "Loser" }, raiseEventOptions, SendOptions.SendReliable);
        } else
            PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(CancelEmoteAnimate, new object[] { PV.ViewID }, raiseEventOptions, SendOptions.SendReliable);

    // Called when animation is cancelled
    private void CancelEmote()
        isDancing = false;
        // Swaps camera back to the FPS camera
        emoteCamera.Priority = 0;
    // Plays animations
    private void Animations()
        // Sets animation inputs
        _playerAnimator.SetFloat("InputX", x);
        _playerAnimator.SetFloat("InputY", y);
        // Sets bool for isCrouching
        _playerAnimator.SetBool("isCrouching", isCrouching);
        // Sets bool for isGrounded
        _playerAnimator.SetBool("isGrounded", isGrounded);

        // Sets bool for isJump
        _playerAnimator.SetBool("isJump", isJumping);

        // Sets bool for isWallrunning
        _playerAnimator.SetBool("isWallrunning", onWall);
    public const byte EmoteAnimate = 1;
    public const byte CancelEmoteAnimate = 2;

    // Raised events through photon are recieved here
    private void OnEvent(EventData photonEvent)
        // Saves the EventCode
        byte eventCode = photonEvent.Code;

        // If event code is the same as EmoteAnimate run code
        if (eventCode == EmoteAnimate)
            // Saves PhotonEvent data to an object
            object[] data = (object[])photonEvent.CustomData;
            // Gets the PV from data variable
            int targetPV = (int)data[0];
            // If target is the same as PV ID then run animation sent through the event
            if (targetPV == PV.ViewID)
        } else if (eventCode == CancelEmoteAnimate)
            object[] data = (object[])photonEvent.CustomData;
            int targetPV = (int)data[0];

            if (targetPV == PV.ViewID)

    public override void OnEnable()
        // Subscribes the EventsReceived to the OnEvent function
        PhotonNetwork.NetworkingClient.EventReceived += OnEvent;

    public override void OnDisable()
        // Unsubscribes the EventsReceived to the OnEvent function
        PhotonNetwork.NetworkingClient.EventReceived -= OnEvent;
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