let output = {}
const inputData = {
  exampleText1: `XXX USD worth of unlocked NEAR Tokens
XXX USD worth of NEAR Token lockup with a 18 month linear release schedule.

XXX USD worth of unlocked NEAR Tokens
XXX USD worth of NEAR Token lockup with a 18 month linear release schedule`,
  exampleText2: `XXX USD worth of unlocked NEAR Tokens
XXX USD worth of NEAR Token lockup with a 18 month linear release schedule.

XXX USD worth of unlocked NEAR Tokens
XXX USD worth of NEAR Token lockup with a 18 month linear release schedule`,
  exampleText3: `XXX USD worth of unlocked NEAR Tokens
XXX USD worth of NEAR Token lockup with a 18 month linear release schedule.

XXX USD worth of unlocked NEAR Tokens
XXX USD worth of NEAR Token lockup with a 18 month linear release schedule`,
  exampleText4: `XXX USD worth of unlocked NEAR Tokens
XXX USD worth of NEAR Token lockup with a 18 month linear release schedule.

XXX USD worth of unlocked NEAR Tokens
XXX USD worth of NEAR Token lockup with a 18 month linear release schedule`,
  exampleText5: `XXX USD worth of unlocked NEAR Tokens
XXX USD worth of NEAR Token lockup with a 18 month linear release schedule.

XXX USD worth of unlocked NEAR Tokens
XXX USD worth of NEAR Token lockup with a 18 month linear release schedule`,

// ====== Zapier Code Step =============
// Very sloppy code for modifying newline values between platforms

// Destructure input values
const i1 = inputData.exampleText1
const i2 = inputData.exampleText2
const i3 = inputData.exampleText3
const i4 = inputData.exampleText4
const i5 = inputData.exampleText5
// add more as follows:
// const i6 = inputData.exampleText6

//* If you add any additional inputs, add them to the array below
const inputValueArray = [i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,/*i6*/]
// Add more options to this array if needed
// Don't modify the spacing on index 1
const targetPlatformNewlineChars = [`
`, // index 0
  "\\n", // index 1
  "<br />", // index 2
const options = {
  // OPTION: How does the current platform delimit new lines?
  currentPlatformNewlineChar: "\n",
  // OPTIONS (1-3): single, double, or triple space lines
  linesPerDelimiter: 1,
  // (OPTIONS: 0-2): 0 = `...` | 1 = \n | 2 = <br />
  targetNlIndex: 1

// Extract options because zapier doesn't like obj[key] syntax
const targetNlIndex = options.targetNlIndex
const curNewLine = options.currentPlatformNewlineChar
const linesPerDelimiter = options.linesPerDelimiter

// Set newline string
const nl = targetPlatformNewlineChars[targetNlIndex]

// Function to set line spacing
const lineCount = (ct) => {
  let count = ct
  const lines = []
  if (!ct) count = linesPerDelimiter
  for (let i=0;i<count;i++) lines.push(i)
  return lines
// Function to test if a value is nullish
const testEmpty = (item) => {
  return ['', null, undefined].indexOf(item) !== -1

// Function to format each input as a separate key/value pair
const formatArrayOfTextBlocks = (inputTextArr) => {
  const formattedTextArray = []
	inputTextArr.forEach((inputText) => {
		const outputText = inputText.split(curNewLine).map((item) => {
  	const itemIsEmpty = testEmpty(item)
  	if (itemIsEmpty) return lineCount(linesPerDelimiter * 1)
      .map(_item => nl)
  	else return item + lineCount()
      .map(_item => nl)
  	.filter((item ) =>  !!item )
  // Create empty object
  const obj = {}
  const objArr = formattedTextArray.forEach(((item, i) => {
    // Dynamically generate keys
    const key = "item" + (i + 1) + ""
    // Create object
    obj[key] = item
  // Return Object
  return obj

const outputText = formatArrayOfTextBlocks(inputValueArray)
output = {...outputText}
// Is the same as:
// output = {
//   item1: outputText.item1,
//   item2: outputText.item2,
//   item3: outputText.item3,
//   item4: outputText.item4,
//   item5: outputText.item5
// };
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