// Roy and Profile Picture
// Sample code to perform I/O:

var stdin_input = "";

process.stdin.on("data", function (input) {
    stdin_input += input;                               // Reading input from STDIN

process.stdin.on("end", function () {

function main(input) {
    //process.stdout.write("Hi, " + input + ".\n");       // Writing output to STDOUT
var data= input.toString().split("\n");

const L= parseInt(data[0],10);
const N= parseInt(data[1],10);
var W = 0;
var H = 0;
var ligne = "";
for (var WH=0; WH<N; WH++) {
    ligne = data[2+WH].split(" ");
    W = ligne[0,0];
    H = ligne[0,1];

   if (W < L || H < L)
               console.log("UPLOAD ANOTHER")
    else if (W == H && W >= L && H >= L) console.log("ACCEPTED")
    else console.log("CROP IT");


// Warning: Printing unwanted or ill-formatted data to output will cause the test cases to fail

// Write your code here
// Sample code to perform I/O:
//Enter your code here
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