# make sure the module is installed: Install-Module -Name ReportingServicesTools # add computername to trusted hosts list to be able to connect remotely Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value "POWERBI" # view content of the folder $reportServerUri = '' $folderName = "/AFH/Align General/Programs" Get-RsFolderContent -ReportServerUri $reportServerUri -RsFolder $folderName | Format-Table -AutoSize # Return existing data source information for "GrossBudget" report. If multiple datasources uses for queries - it will return all of them. $ReportPortalUri = "" Get-RsRestItemDataSource -RsItem "/AFH/GrossBudget" -ReportPortalUri $ReportPortalUri # Get connection string info for "Construction - AY Loss Ratios" report $ReportPortalUri = "" Get-RsRestItemDataSource -RsItem "/AFH/Align General/Programs/Construction - AY Loss Ratios" -ReportPortalUri $ReportPortalUri #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------Change connection string username and passwork in PowerBI reports------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # connect remotely to POWERBI server Enter-PSSession -ComputerName POWERBI -Credential ssrsserviceaccount # specify parameters $ReportPortalUri = "" $ReportName = '/AFH/Catalytic/Underwriter Reports/Underwriter Production' $Username = 'catalyticSSRS' $Password = 'RND1101!' $ServerName = '' # grab parameters that are currently exists in a report $parameters = Get-RsRestItemDataModelParameters $ReportName -ReportPortalUri $ReportPortalUri $parameters # Map to a dictionary to access the parameter values. $parameterdictionary = @{} foreach ($parameter in $parameters) { $parameterdictionary.Add($parameter.Name, $parameter); } # change parameter value. "ServerName" or "datasource" whatever the name of the parameter in PowerBI $parameterdictionary[“ServerName”].Value = $ServerName # update parameters that are currentl in a report Set-RsRestItemDataModelParameters -RsItem $ReportName -ReportPortalUri $ReportPortalUri -DataModelParameters $parameters # print what changed $parameterdictionary.Values # set authentification mode, username and password $dataSources = Get-RsRestItemDataSource -RsItem $ReportName -ReportPortalUri $ReportPortalUri $dataSources[0].DataModelDataSource.AuthType = 'UsernamePassword' # UsernamePassword should be used when specifying SQL or Basic Credentials $dataSources[0].DataModelDataSource.Username = $Username $dataSources[0].DataModelDataSource.Secret = $Password Set-RsRestItemDataSource -RsItem $ReportName -RsItemType PowerBIReport -DataSources $datasources
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