<#assign use =record.custbody1?eval>
    <#list use?keys as prop>

<table class="itemtable" style="width: 100%; margin-top: 10px;"><!-- start items --><#list use?keys as item><#if item_index==0>
	<th colspan="12" style="width: 195px;">&nbsp;</th>
	<th align="right" colspan="4" style="width: 67px;">${"a"}</th>
	<th align="right" colspan="4" style="width: 65px;">${"b"}</th>
	<td align="center" colspan="3" line-height="150%" style="width: 61px;">${record.revrecenddate}&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
	<td align="right" colspan="4" style="width: 67px;">${use[item].ur}</td>
	</#list><!-- end items --></table>
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