# Upload the required wheel files, models and images in a google drive folder # Uncomment and run the below command to copy them in your current workspace #!cp /content/drive/MyDrive/TF-OV/working_dir_files/* . import os # Enable these variables for runtime inference optimizations os.environ["OPENVINO_TF_CONVERT_VARIABLES_TO_CONSTANTS"] = "1" os.environ["TF_ENABLE_ONEDNN_OPTS"] = "1" !python3 -m pip -q install --upgrade pip !python3 -m pip -q install pillow !python3 -m pip -q install keras_applications # Install TensorFlow (v2.8.0) and OpenVINO-TensorFlow (v2.0.0) only if they aren't found !if python3 -c "import tensorflow"; then echo "Found TensorFlow. Skipping."; else echo "TensorFlow Not Found. Installing."; python3 -m pip -q install tensorflow==2.8.0; fi !if python3 -c "import openvino_tensorflow"; then echo "Found OpenVINO-TensorFlow. Skipping."; else echo "OpenVINO-TensorFlow Not Found. Installing."; OVTF_DIR = "/" RAW_GITHUB_COMMON = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openvinotoolkit/openvino_tensorflow/master/examples/common/" GITHUB_EXAMPLES = "https://github.com/openvinotoolkit/openvino_tensorflow/raw/master/examples/data/" RAW_GITHUB_EXAMPLES = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openvinotoolkit/openvino_tensorflow/master/examples/" import os files = os.listdir('.') if ('common' not in files or 'examples' not in files) and 'openvino_tensorflow' not in os.listdir(OVTF_DIR): !mkdir ./common !wget {RAW_GITHUB_COMMON}/post_process.py -O ./common/post_process.py !wget {RAW_GITHUB_COMMON}/pre_process.py -O ./common/pre_process.py !wget {RAW_GITHUB_COMMON}/utils.py -O ./common/utils.py !mkdir -p ./examples/data !wget {GITHUB_EXAMPLES}/grace_hopper.jpg -O ./examples/data/grace_hopper.jpg !wget {GITHUB_EXAMPLES}/yolov4_anchors.txt -O ./examples/data/yolov4_anchors.txt !wget {RAW_GITHUB_EXAMPLES}/convert_yolov4.sh -O ./examples/convert_yolov4.sh !wget {RAW_GITHUB_EXAMPLES}/keras_to_tensorflow.patch -O ./examples/keras_to_tensorflow.patch import sys if 'openvino_tensorflow' in os.listdir(OVTF_DIR): sys_append = os.path.abspath(OVTF_DIR + "/openvino_tensorflow/examples/") sys.path.append(sys_append) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import openvino_tensorflow as ovtf from PIL import Image import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from common.utils import get_input_mode, get_colors, draw_boxes, get_anchors, rename_file from common.pre_process import preprocess_image_yolov3 as preprocess_image from common.post_process import yolo3_postprocess_np # Download and Convert the YoloV4 model files = os.listdir('.') if 'examples' in files: path = "examples" else: path = "{0}/openvino_tensorflow/examples/".format(OVTF_DIR) %cd {path} !chmod +x convert_yolov4.sh && bash convert_yolov4.sh # Once the model conversion is completed; move back to outside of examples directory %cd ../ def load_coco_names(file_name): """Parses the label file with only class names, and returns a dictionary mapping the class IDs to class names. """ names = {} with open(file_name) as f: for id_, name in enumerate(f): names[id_] = name return names def load_labels(label_file): """Parses the label file, assuming that labels are separated with a newline in the file and returns the list of labels. """ label = [] proto_as_ascii_lines = tf.io.gfile.GFile(label_file).readlines() for l in proto_as_ascii_lines: label.append(l.rstrip()) return label def infer_openvino_tensorflow(model_file, image_file , input_height, input_width, label_file, anchor_file, conf_threshold, iou_threshold): """Takes the tensorflow model and all other input parameters as arguments. Runs inference with the object detection model and prints the predictions. """ print("CREATE MODEL - BEGIN") # Load model and process input image model = model = tf.saved_model.load(model_file) print("CREATE MODEL - END") if label_file: classes = load_coco_names(label_file) labels = load_labels(label_file) colors = get_colors(labels) if anchor_file: anchors = get_anchors(anchor_file) print("PREDICTION - BEGIN") #Preprocess Image image = Image.open(image_file) img = np.asarray(image) image_width, image_height = image.size img_resized = tf.convert_to_tensor(preprocess_image(image, (input_height, input_width))) # Warmup detected_boxes = model(img_resized) # Run import time start = time.time() detected_boxes = model(img_resized) elapsed = time.time() - start print('Inference time in ms: %f' % (elapsed * 1000)) print("PREDICTION - END") image_shape = tuple((image_height, image_width)) # apply non max suppresion, draw boxes and save updated image out_boxes, out_classes, out_scores = yolo3_postprocess_np( detected_boxes, image_shape, anchors, len(labels), (input_height, input_width), max_boxes=10, confidence=conf_threshold, iou_threshold=iou_threshold, elim_grid_sense=True) img_bbox = draw_boxes(img, out_boxes, out_classes, out_scores, labels, colors) if output_dir: cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(output_dir, "detections.jpg"), img_bbox) else: cv2.imwrite("detections.jpg", img_bbox) plt.imshow(img) input_file = "examples/data/grace_hopper.jpg" model_file = "examples/data/yolo_v4" label_file = "examples/data/coco.names" anchor_file = "examples/data/yolov4_anchors.txt" input_height = 416 input_width = 416 backend_name = "CPU" output_dir = "." conf_threshold = 0.6 iou_threshold = 0.5 #Print list of available backends print('Available Backends:') backends_list = ovtf.list_backends() for backend in backends_list: print(backend) ovtf.set_backend(backend_name) print("OpenVINO TensorFlow is enabled") infer_openvino_tensorflow(model_file, input_file, input_height, input_width, label_file, anchor_file, conf_threshold, iou_threshold ) ovtf.disable() ## Disabling OVTF print("OpenVINO TensorFlow is disabled") infer_openvino_tensorflow(model_file, input_file, input_height, input_width, label_file, anchor_file, conf_threshold, iou_threshold ) ovtf.enable()
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