function renderIndexStudentAbsence2(data, total_non_daily) {
            html = "";
            totalData = 0;
            statusPresence = "";
            studentGroupOrCounselor = "";
            studentGroupName = "";
            totalDataGroup = Object.keys(data).length;
            if (totalDataGroup === 1) {
                studentGroupName = '|' + Object.keys(data).pop();
            html += `
                <div class="table-responsive table-report-period mt-4">
                    <table class="table">
                        <thead class="no-cell-hover">
                            <tr class="text-left">
                                ${totalDataGroup === 1 ? `` : `<th class="text-left" rowspan="2">${isWikrama === "1" ? `Rayon` : `Rombel`}</th>`}
                                <th class="text-left" rowspan="2">No.</th>
                                <th class="text-left" rowspan="2">Nama</th>
                                <th class="text-center" colspan="2">Absensi Hari Ini</th>
                                ${total_non_daily === 0 ? `` : `<th class="text-center" colspan="4">JP yang Tidak Dihadiri</th>`}
                                <th class="text-left">Status</th>
                                <th class="text-left">Keterangan</th>
                                ${total_non_daily === 0 ? `` : `
                                                                <th class="text-left">JP ke-</th>
                                                                <th class="text-left">Status</th>
                                                                <th class="text-left">Pelajaran</th>
                                                                <th class="text-left">Guru Mapel</th>    
                        <tbody class="index-absence-student-loading-destop">`

            $.each(data, function(key, value) {
                totalJp = 0;
                totalNumber = 1;
                totalDaily = value.length;

                let total = value.reduce((val, element) => {
                    return val + element.non_daily.length
                }, 0);

                var rowspanGroup = value.length + total;

                // console.log({
                //     total,
                //     rowspanGroup,
                //     totalDaily
                // });

                $.each(value, function(key, value) {
                    if (value.non_daily.length !== 0) {
                        totalJp = value.non_daily.length;

                totalDataStudent = value.length;

                if (totalDataStudent > 1) {
                    totalJpFinal = totalJp * totalDataStudent + totalDataStudent;
                } else {
                    totalJpFinal = totalJp * totalDataStudent;

                totalRowGroup = 0;

                if (totalJpFinal === 0) {
                    totalRowGroup = totalDataStudent;
                } else {
                    totalRowGroup = totalJpFinal + 1;

                if (totalDaily === 1) {
                    totalJpValue = 0;
                    $.each(value, function(index, value) {
                        if (value.daily.status === "SICK") {
                            statusPresence = "Sakit";
                        } else if (value.daily.status === "UNKNOWN") {
                            statusPresence = "Alpha";
                        } else {
                            statusPresence = "Izin";

                        if (isWikrama === "1") {
                            studentGroupOrCounselor =
                                `${} ${value.nis} | ${}`;
                        } else {
                            studentGroupOrCounselor = `${} ${value.nis}`;
                        no = index + 1;
                        var lengthMonDaily = value.non_daily.length;
                        var rowspanStudent = lengthMonDaily + 1;
                        html += `
                            ${totalDataGroup === 1 ? `` : `<td class="text-left align-top" width="90px" rowspan="${rowspanGroup}">${key}</td>`}
                        html += `
                            <td class="text-right align-top" width="60px" rowspan="${totalJp + 1}">${no++}.</td>
                            <td class="text-left align-top" width="240px" rowspan="${totalJp + 1}">${studentGroupOrCounselor}</td>
                            <td class="text-left align-top" width="75px" rowspan="${totalJp + 1}">${statusPresence}</td>
                            <td class="text-left align-top" width="200px" rowspan="${totalJp + 1}">${value.daily.note === null || value.daily.note === "null" ? `<span class="font-w400 font-13 grey-6">Tidak ada keterangan.</span>` : `<span class="font-w400 font-13 black-1">${value.daily.note}</span>`}</td>
                        if (total_non_daily !== 0) {
                            if (value.non_daily.length === 0) {
                                html += `
                                    <td class="text-left grey-6" width="60px" colspan="4">Jam pelajaran belum diatur. Hubungi Waka. Kurikulum untuk melakukan pengaturan sehingga guru dapat menginput absen per JP dan laporannya tampil pada halaman ini.</td>
                            } else {
                                value.non_daily.sort(function(a, b) {
                                    var dateA = parseInt(a.school_hour.order),
                                        dateB = parseInt(b.school_hour.order);
                                    return dateA - dateB;
                                $.each(value.non_daily, function(key, value) {
                                    statusJp = "";
                                    if (value.status === "SICK") {
                                        statusJp = "Sakit";
                                    } else if (value.status === "UNKNOWN") {
                                        statusJp = "Alpha";
                                    } else {
                                        statusJp = "Izin";
                                    html += `
                                        <td class="text-left" width="60px">${value.school_hour.order}</td>
                                        <td class="text-left cursor-pointer btn-edit-status-absence" width="75px">${statusJp}</td>
                                        <td class="text-left" width="240px">${value.subject_name}</td>
                                        <td class="text-left" width="240px">${value.teacher}</td>
                        html += `</tr>`
                } else {
                    html += `<tr>
                            ${totalDataGroup === 1 ? `` : `<td class="text-left align-top" width="90px" rowspan="${rowspanGroup}">${key}</td>`}

                    totalJpValue = 0;
                    $.each(value, function(index, value) {
                        if (value.daily.status === "SICK") {
                            statusPresence = "Sakit";
                        } else if (value.daily.status === "UNKNOWN") {
                            statusPresence = "Alpha";
                        } else {
                            statusPresence = "Izin";

                        if (isWikrama === "1") {
                            studentGroupOrCounselor =
                                `${} ${value.nis} | ${}`;
                        } else {
                            studentGroupOrCounselor = `${} ${value.nis}`;
                        no = index + 1;

                        var lengthMonDaily = value.non_daily.length;
                        var rowspanStudent = lengthMonDaily + 1;

                        if (value.non_daily.length === 0) {
                            html += `
                                    <td class="text-right align-top" width="60px">${no++}.</td>
                                    <td class="text-left align-top" width="240px">${studentGroupOrCounselor}</td>
                                    <td class="text-left align-top" width="75px">${statusPresence}</td>
                                    <td class="text-left align-top" width="200px">${value.daily.note === null || value.daily.note === "null" ? `<span class="font-w400 font-13 grey-6">Tidak ada keterangan.</span>` : `<span class="font-w400 font-13 black-1">${value.daily.note}</span>`}</td>
                            if (total_non_daily !== 0) {
                                html += `
                                    <td class="text-left grey-6" width="60px" colspan="4">Jam pelajaran belum diatur. Hubungi Waka. Kurikulum untuk melakukan pengaturan sehingga guru dapat menginput absen per JP dan laporannya tampil pada halaman ini.</td>
                        } else {
                            html += `
                                    <td class="text-right align-top" width="60px" rowspan="${totalJp + 1}">${no++}.</td>
                                    <td class="text-left align-top" width="240px" rowspan="${totalJp + 1}">${studentGroupOrCounselor}</td>
                                    <td class="text-left align-top" width="75px" rowspan="${totalJp + 1}">${statusPresence}</td>
                                    <td class="text-left align-top" width="200px" rowspan="${totalJp + 1}">${value.daily.note === null || value.daily.note === "null" ? `<span class="font-w400 font-13 grey-6">Tidak ada keterangan.</span>` : `<span class="font-w400 font-13 black-1">${value.daily.note}</span>`}</td>
                            if (total_non_daily !== 0) {
                                if (value.non_daily.length === 0) {
                                    html += `
                                    <td class="text-left grey-6" width="60px" colspan="4">Jam pelajaran belum diatur. Hubungi Waka. Kurikulum untuk melakukan pengaturan sehingga guru dapat menginput absen per JP dan laporannya tampil pada halaman ini.</td>
                                } else {
                                    value.non_daily.sort(function(a, b) {
                                        var dateA = parseInt(a.school_hour.order),
                                            dateB = parseInt(b.school_hour.order);
                                        return dateA - dateB;
                                    $.each(value.non_daily, function(key, value) {
                                        statusJp = "";
                                        if (value.status === "SICK") {
                                            statusJp = "Sakit";
                                        } else if (value.status === "UNKNOWN") {
                                            statusJp = "Alpha";
                                        } else {
                                            statusJp = "Izin";
                                        html += `
                                                <td class="text-left" width="60px">${value.school_hour.order}</td>
                                                <td class="text-left cursor-pointer btn-edit-status-absence" width="75px">${statusJp}</td>
                                                <td class="text-left" width="240px">${value.subject_name}</td>
                                                <td class="text-left" width="240px">${value.teacher}</td>


            html += `

            return html;
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