// pagination
                //     let currentPage = response.meta.current_page;
                //     let lastPage = response.meta.last_page;
                //     var pagination = ''
                //     var page_first = 0
                //     var page_last = 0
                //     if (response.meta && ( > 5)) {
                //         if (lastPage <= 5) {
                //             page_first = 1;
                //             page_last = lastPage;
                //         } else {
                //             if (currentPage <= 3) {
                //                 page_first = 1;
                //                 page_last = 5;
                //             } else if (currentPage >= lastPage - 2) {
                //                 page_first = lastPage - 4;
                //                 page_last = lastPage;
                //             } else {
                //                 page_first = currentPage - 2;
                //                 page_last = currentPage + 2;
                //             }
                //         }

                //         pagination +=
                //             `<nav class="navigation mt-4">
                //     <div>
                //         <span class="pagination-detail d-none d-md-block">${ ?? 0} dari ${ } siswa</span>
                //     </div>
                //     <ul class="pagination mb-0">
                //         <li class='page-item cursor-pointer ${currentPage == 1 ? 'disabled' : ''}'>
                //             <a class="page-link page-daily grey-3" data-page="1"  tabindex="-1">&lt;</a>
                //         </li>`;
                //         for (page_first; page_first <= page_last; page_first++) {
                //             pagination += `
                //         <li class="page-item cursor-pointer">
                //             <a class="page-link page-daily ${page_first == currentPage ? 'bg-blue-tp font-w700 blue' : 'grey-6'}" data-page="${page_first}">${page_first}</a>
                //         </li>`;
                //         }
                //         pagination += `
                //         <li class="page-item cursor-pointer ${currentPage == lastPage ? 'disabled' : ''}">
                //             <a class="page-link grey-3 page-daily" data-page="${lastPage}">&gt;</a>
                //         </li>
                //     </ul>
                // </nav>`;
                //     }
                    // console.log({pagination, response, currentPage, lastPage})
                    // $('#dataAbsences').html(html)
                    // $('#pageAbsence').html(pagination)
            // end pagination
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