import mysql.connector #allows connection to database. #pip install mysql-connector-python
#DB Config
config = {
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(**config)

for link in (links): 
    getHTML = requests.get(link)
    getHTMLr = getHTML.content # This will give you raw HTML from getLink1TB
    soupify = BeautifulSoup(getHTMLr, 'html.parser')
    # containers = soupify.find("div",{"class":"pcontent"})
    # print(containers)

    title_container = soupify.find("div", {"class":"visible-xs visible-sm"})
    title = title_container.text.strip()
    price_container = soupify.find("div", {"class":"pprice"})
    price = price_container.text.replace(",",".")
    price_strip = re.sub('[^0-9.]', '', price)
    #price per TB
    priceTB = float(price_strip)/int(size)

    href_container = soupify.find('a',{'class':'phover-complete-link'})['href']
    href =  href_container

    store = "Mindfactory"
    print(size + "TB")
    print(price_strip + " EUR")
        # mycursor = mydb.cursor()
        # sql = "INSERT INTO hdd (name, size, price, date, priceTB, href, store) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
        # val = (title, size, price_strip, currentDate, priceTB, href, store)
        # mycursor.execute(sql,val)
        # mydb.commit()
        # print(mycursor.rowcount, "Hard drives added!")

    # else:
    #     print "Size not added: " + size + " TB"
    # Add data to DB
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