import re

print('Welcome to temperature converter. Please enter your input in this format: 40.0F, 35C, 0.50F etc.')

temperature = input("Please enter temperature in Farenheit or Celcius to convert:\n")

pattern = re.compile("^([+-]?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?)\s*([CF])$")

found = re.findall(pattern, temperature)

if len(found) > 0:

    temp = float(found[0][0])
    conversion = found[0][1]

    if conversion == 'C':
        fahrenheit = (temp * 9 / 5) + 32
        print(f"{temp: .2f} Celcius is equivalent to {fahrenheit: .2f} Farenheit")
    elif conversion == 'F':
        celcius = (temp - 32) * 5 / 9
        print(f"{temp: .2f} Farenheit is equivalent to {celcius: .2f} Celcius")

    print(f"""Expecting a number followed by "C" or "F" \n I don't understand your input: {temperature}""")
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