#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


1) Install Linux dependences (search for specific linux distro instructions for this):
python-dev, python-pip, freetds-dev, freetds-bin, libaio1

2) Install instantclient-basic-lite
follow these instructions:
(go to "Installation of ZIP files" section at the bottom of document)

3) Install python includes:

sudo -H pip install cx_Oracle
sudo -H pip install pymssql


import cx_Oracle
import pymssql

""" ====== let's connect to Oracle DB Server ====="""

orcl_host = "host1"
orcl_port = 1521
orcl_user = "user1"
orcl_pwd  = "password1"
orcl_dbn  = "service_name"

connstr = orcl_user+"/"+orcl_pwd+"@"+orcl_host+":"+str(orcl_port)+"/"+orcl_dbn
orcl = cx_Oracle.connect(connstr)

#If all is correct we will see and object print:


"""===== let's connect to sqlsvr: ====="""

sql_host = "host2"
sql_user = "user2"
sql_pwd  = "password2"
sql_dbn  = "database_name"

conexion_sql = pymssql.connect(sql_host, sql_user, sql_pwd, sql_dbn)

#If all is correct we will see and object print:


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