class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Write a Java simple application to finish the assignments below

    // Assignment #1
    // Print your name
    System.out.println("Assignment #1");
    // Assignment #2
    // - Declare a digit variable with 'price' name equal to $45
    // - Declare a double type variable with 'discount' name equal to 20% as a decimal
    // - Declate a double type variable with 'total' name that calculated the result
    // - Print out the result of total due by a customer when purchasing a book that costs $45 with a 20%     discount
    System.out.println("Assignment #2");
    // Assignment #3
    // - Write a method that converts 90 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius
    // - Use the following formula: C = (F − 32) × 5/9) to calculate it
    // - This time print out the result without declaring any variables
    System.out.println("Assignment #3");
    // Check the answers and submit your homework by clicking 'Submit' button at top right    
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