public class CarLoan {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
   int carLoan = 10000;
  int loanLength = 3;
  int interestRate =5;
  int downPayment = 2000;

	 if (loanLength <= 0 || interestRate <= 0){
    System.out.println("Error! You must take out a valid car loan.");
  }else if ( downPayment>= carLoan){
     System.out.println("The car can be paid in full.");
    int remainingBalance = carLoan - downPayment;
    int months = loanLength *12;
    int monthlyBalance = remainingBalance / months;
    int interest = (monthlyBalance * interestRate)/100;
    int monthlyPayment = monthlyBalance + interest;

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