<# .SYNOPSIS Send email with optional attachments .DESCRIPTION PowerShelll script for a function to send email with optional attachments. It accepts a comma-separated list of attachments, or no attachments at all. For dot-source inclusion to work if the script is hosted on a UNC path, you may need to add the url "file:\\unc-path-to-share" to the Internet Explorer local Intranet site list on the server running the script. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE PS> .\Send-Email.ps1 Send-Email -EmailTo "user@yourdomain.co.uk" -EmailSubject "Log files attached" -EmailBody "Please find attached the log files" -EmailAttachments "C:\logs\Logfile.txt","C:\logs\Logfile2.txt" This command sends an email with 2 attachments .EXAMPLE PS> .\Send-Email.ps1 $EmailRecipients = @("user@yourdomain.co.uk","user2@yourdomain.co.uk","admin@yourdomain.co.uk") Send-Email -EmailTo $EmailRecipients -EmailSubject "Test message" -EmailBody "Hello" These commands send an email to multiple recipients .EXAMPLE PS> .\Send-Email.ps1 Send-Email -EmailTo "user@yourdomain.co.uk" -EmailFrom "admin@yourdomain.co.uk" -EmailSMTPServer "mailserver.yourdomain.co.uk" -EmailSubject "Log file attached" -EmailBody "Please find attached the log file" -EmailAttachments "C:\logs\Logfile.txt" This command shows all parameters .LINK https://www.techexplorer.co.uk/powershell-script-to-send-email-with-optional-attachments #> #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Script: Send-Email.ps1 # Author: Dan Tonge, www.techexplorer.co.uk # Version: 1.0 2013-04-11 # Version: 1.1 2015-06-01 Added multiple recipient syntax examples # Version: 1.2 2020-06-08 Added comment-based help for the script #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Send-Email { Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Email To Address")] $EmailTo, [parameter(HelpMessage="Email From Address")] $EmailFrom = [String]$env:computerName.ToLower() + '@yourdomain.co.uk', [parameter()] $EmailSMTPServer = 'mailserver.yourdomain.co.uk', [parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Email subject line")] $EmailSubject, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Email content")] $EmailBody, [parameter(HelpMessage="Optional Attachments")] $EmailAttachments ) #end Param # build a "splat" parameter: a hash of {parameter name, parameter value} to avoid passing the Attachments parameter when not needed # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14560270/send-mailmessage-attachments-will-not-accept-null-for-any-variables $attachments = @() if ($EmailAttachments) { $attachments += $EmailAttachments } $params = @{} if ($attachments.Length -gt 0) { $params['Attachments'] = $attachments } Send-MailMessage @params -To $EmailTo -From $EmailFrom -SmtpServer $EmailSMTPServer -Subject $EmailSubject -Body $EmailBody }
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