module SvgHelper def inline_svg(filename, options = {}) parse_file(filename) if options.empty? svg = svg_from_file(filename) update_svg_attributes(svg, options) if options[:title].present? svg = build_with_title(svg, options[:title]) else hide_svg(svg) end svg.to_html.html_safe end private def read_file(filename)'app', 'assets', 'images', filename)) end def parse_file(filename) file = read_file(filename) Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(file) end def svg_from_file(filename) doc = parse_file(filename) doc.at_css('svg') end def update_svg_attributes(svg, options) svg['class'] = options[:class] if options[:class].present? svg['style'] = options[:style] if options[:style].present? svg['viewBox'] = options[:viewbox] if options[:viewbox].present? end def build_with_title(svg, title) svg['role'] = "img" svg['aria-labelledby'] = "svg-title" svg_tag = svg.to_s.match(/<svg .*/) svg_title = "<title id='svg-title'>#{title}</title>" svg_with_title = svg_tag.to_s + svg_title + svg.children.to_s + "</svg>" Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(svg_with_title) end def hide_svg(svg) svg['aria-hidden'] = true end end
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