// html postWithCategory$ | async // component postWithCategory$ = this.postService.postWithCategory$ // post.service.ts postWithCategory$ = combineLatest([ this.allPosts$, this.categoryService.allCategories$ ]).pipe( map( ([posts, cat]) => this.mapCategories(posts, cat) ) ) allPosts$ = this.http.get<Post[]>(this.postsUrl).pipe( catchError(this.handleError) ); mapCategories(posts: Post[], cat: PostCatergory[]): Post[]{ return posts.map( post => ({ ...post, category: cat.find( c => post.categoryId === c.id)?.name }) as Post ) } // category.service allCategories$ = this.http.get<PostCategory[]>(this.catUrl).pipe( catchError(this.handleError), shareReplay(1) );
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