# this program will calculate the third side by using phythegrasos theorm:
import math # this is necessary for the formula particularly sqr
sideA = input("Please enter side A: ")
sideB = input("Please enter side B: ")
sideC = input("Please enter side C: ")

# to find which side is empty use if statement and  to refer to empty in coding is ''

if sideA == '':
    sideB = float(sideB)
    sideC = float(sideC)
    sideA = math.sqrt(sideC**2 - sideB**2)
    print(f"Given side C = {sideC} and side B = {sideB}")
    print(f"Calculated Side A as {round(sideA,4)}")
elif sideB == '':
    sideA = float(sideA)
    sideC = float(sideC)
    sideB = math.sqrt(sideC**2 - sideA**2)
    print(f"Given side C = {sideC} and side A = {sideA}")
    print(f"Calculated Side B as {round(sideB,4)}")
    sideA = float(sideA)
    sideB = float(sideB)
    sideC = math.sqrt(sideA**2 + sideB**2)
    print(f"Given side A = {sideA} and side B = {sideB}")
    print(f"Calculated Side C as {round(sideC,4)}")
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