# this program is designed to help the user get the maultiplication series tables:

# 1. first take user inputs:
SeriesStart= int(input("Series Start value: "))
seriesEnd = int(input("Series End value: "))
# The first multiplication table: 
tableStart= int(input("Table Start Value: "))
# The last multiplication table: 
tableEnd= int(input("Table End Value: "))

if seriesEnd<=SeriesStart:
    print("Invalid End Value")
if tableEnd<= tableStart:
    print("Invalid ENd Value")
    for i in range(SeriesStart,seriesEnd+1):
        # print a heading(i)
        print("multiplication table", i)
        for j in range (tableStart, tableEnd +1):
            print(j, 'X',i, '=', i*j)
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